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factor tax (H2)<br />A tax levied on a particular income-earning FACTOR OF PRODUCTION. Taxes on capital, taxes on residential and commercial property and taxes on employment are important examples.
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mortgage credit association (G2)<br />An association owned by its members which raises finance by issuing bonds on a stock exchange. The interest payable on loans fixed over a five-year period is kept low by the relatively small costs of administration. This type of association has flourished in Denmark.<br /><em>See also:</em> building society; savings and loan association
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productivity bargaining (13)<br />1 Wage bargaining which rewards workers for consenting to new working arrangements so that output can be increased. It was very popular in the UK in the 1960s under an !NCOMES POLICY which allowed supernorm increases if there was a genuine increase in productivity. Many difficulties arose, including the difficulty of separating labour from capital productivity, the resentment that workers who had long held back productivity growth by their RESTRICTIVE PRACTICES were disproportionately rewarded and the difficulty of applying the principle to some sectors of the labour market, particularly the service industries. There was much less productivity bargaining in the USA in that period. Passing on productivity gains in higher wages, rather than in lower prices and higher output, it is argued, threatens the long-term employment prospects of workers.
<strong>Financial Aid Officer (FAO)</strong> A staff member at an eligible school who administers financial aid programs.
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