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Kondratieff cycle (E3)<br />A long wave in economic activity identified in 1926 from index numbers of commodity prices by N.D. Kondratieff, who was born in 1892 and died sometime after his arrest in 1930. This wave lasts forty-five to sixty years and is associated with cycles in investment in basic capital goods, e.g. transportation systems. Commodity prices rise in the upswing and fall in the downswing. For England, he noted troughs in 1789, 1849 and 1896 and peaks for 1814, 1873 and 1920; for France, peaks in 1873 and 1920 with a trough in 1896; for the USA, peaks in 1814, 1866 and 1920 with troughs in 1849 and 1896. (Each cycle is measured from peak to peak or trough to trough.) It is difficult to justify the use of price data in the manner of Kondratieff for later in the twentieth century as the ending of the GOLD STANDARD, the growth of OLIGOPOLY, major changes in AGGREGATE DEMAND and rNDEXATION of wage contracts have changed the relationship between prices and general economic activity.<br /><em>Reference</em><br />Kondratieff, N.D. (1935) 'The long waves in economic life', Review of Economics and Statistics 17: 105-15.<br /> Mager, N.H. (1986) The Kondratieff Waves, New York and London: Praeger. Solomon, S. (1987) Phases of Economic Growth, 1850-1973: Kondratieff Waves and Kuznets Swings, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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<strong>FISAP</strong> Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate in the federal campus-based aid programs. Information about the FISAP, instructions, and the actual form may be found at:
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