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longitudinal data (C8)<br />Statistical information on changes to a cohort through time, e.g. the career of persons.<br /><em>See also:</em> time series
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nationalized industry (L5)<br />A publicly owned firm engaged in the production of goods and services. Although governments have been involved in the ownership of industrial concerns as early as the MERCANTILISTS and post offices have long been state owned in many countries, it is in the twentieth century that large basic industries have been state owned, e.g. in France and in the UK. In the latter, most of these were established by the Labour government of 1945 to 1950 as an implementation of clause 4 of the Labour Party Constitution; private sector firms in the basic industries of transport, energy and steel, as well as the Bank of England, were purchased. The extension of public ownership gave the UK the character of a MIXED ECONOMY. Other countries, particularly France, greatly extended public ownership in the 1930s; in the USA, the creation of AMTRAK was a rare US example of this organizational form. But in the 1980s, it became UK government policy to 'privatize' the more profitable nationalized industries, including telecommunications, water, gas and electricity.<br /> The trading position of a nationalized industry is affected by its monopoly position and the lack of market discipline, both by having public finance to supplement borrowings from capital markets and by being kept in existence when virtually bankrupt. As a consequence, a high proportion of government grants has been to subsidize wage bills, rather than to finance long-term investment. In September 1981 President Mitterrand of France, one of the last to argue the case for nationalization, gave as reasons for taking large industrial groups and banks into state ownership, the elimination of monopoly and quasimonopoly situations which provide a basis for political influence in France, safeguarding national sovereignty and the provision of tools for industrial development in the future.<br /><em>See also:</em> privatization; public enterprise <br /><em>Reference</em><br />Chester, N. (1975) The Nationalisation of British Industry, 1945-51, London: HMSO.<br /> Pryke, R. (1971) Public Enterprise in Practice: The British Experience of Nationalisation over Two Decades, London: MacGibbon & Kee.<br /> - (1981) The Nationalised Industries: Policies and Performance since 1968, Oxford: Robertson.
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<strong>Anticipated disbursement date</strong> The date loan funds are expected to be issued to the school or escrow agent. A school establishes the anticipated disbursement date(s) for a loan at the time of certification.
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