Climate: Sydney 20°C - 24°C . Few showers. THE manager of an Idaho thrift store is seeking the return of her laptop computer,
Office 2007 Activation, which was accidentally sold for $US5. Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar. Sandra Bechthold says she was shocked when she learned her two-year-old Dell Inspiron and case were sold on July 12.Ms Bechthold had to do some work offsite that day,
Genuine Office 2007, leaving the Women's Centre Thrift Store in the hands of one staffer and a group of volunteers. The Coeur d'Alene Press reports Ms Bechthold doesn't know how her laptop ended up in the donation receiving room.A volunteer said she decided on a $US5 ($5.66) sale price because she once saw a laptop with no software sold for that amount.Ms Bechthold has placed a classified ad offering to buy the computer back.