me Joe's 'prenticeOrlick was
perhaps confirmed in some suspicion that I should displace him; howbeithe liked me
still less. Not that he ever said anythingor did anythingopenly importing hostility; I
only noticed that he always beat his sparks in my directionand that whenever I sang Old
Clemhe came in out of time.
Dolge Orlick was at work and presentnext daywhen I reminded Joe of my
half-holiday. He said nothing at the momentfor he and Joe had just got a piece of hot
iron between themand I was at the bellows; but by-and-by he saidleaning on his
hammer: `Nowmaster
bags louis vuitton outlet autentic! Sure you're not a going to favour only one of us. If Young Pip
has a half-holidaydo as much for Old Orlick.' I suppose he was about five-and-twenty
but he usually spoke of himself as an ancient person.
`Whywhat'll you do with a half-holidayif you get it?' said Joe. `What'll I do with it
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What'll he do with it? I'll do as much with it as him' said Orlick.
`As to Piphe's going up-town' said Joe. `Well thenas to Old Orlickhe's a going
up-town' retorted that worthy. `Two can go up-town. Tan't only one wot can go up-town.
`Don't lose your temper' said Joe. `Shall if I like' growled Orlick. `Some and their
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Jane Eynelia