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Old 04-25-2011, 01:09 PM   #1
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Default 游览公司治理模式

  这篇文章讲述的是否就是您关心的问题?面对屡次旅游规划后您是否还感到无从下手?您的旅游项目资源不错 ,又做了营销推广,为什么市场打不开?有意投资旅游业,却驾驭不了危险,无从进入?您在实际操作中还碰到了 哪些问题?您还关心哪些问题?可致电--绿维创景专业征询热线:010-84098099,邮箱:experts@lwcj.com 你也可以点击此处,向绿维创景专家咨询,更多旅游运营常识能够阅读《绿维旅游经营研究》 症结词 旅游策划 ,旅游规划 ,旅游投资 ,旅游融资 ,景观设计 ,绿维创景,旅游管理 ,游乐设施 ,游乐装备 ,旅游招商 ,贸易策划 ,可行性研讨 绿维机构与建设部城市建设研究院签署强强配合协定,独特打造中国旅游产业计划设计全程服务结合体,年报酬2 0万诚邀旅游谋划、规划、设计人才加盟,详情请进入>> 摘要:忽视游客体验与缺乏可持续发展观点是造成中国旅游景区经营失败的来源。解决问题的关键是:景区既要为 游客发明快乐体验,又要保护地方资源与环境并促进社区长期发展。快乐的游客体验是由新鲜感、亲切感与自豪感 构成的,要塑造快乐的游客体验,景区应依据产品差异性、参与性与挑衅性准则配置旅游产品与服务。同时,在开 发与经营过程中坚持生态与文化的多样性,促进社区的发展。要害词:旅游景区;体验;可持续发展。全国旅游主 题公园近80%已倒闭,给中国游览业已造成3000多亿元的丧失。其中的代表是亚洲投资最大(10多亿元) 的科幻公园福禄贝尔乐园于1998年1月发布破产清资,投资上亿的通什海南中华民族文明村开业不到8个月就 倒闭。武陵源为了保住“世界天然遗产”这一金牌,不得不拆除违规建造,耗资3 45亿元,相称于1990年到2001年底武陵源所有门票收入的总和!疏忽游客体验与缺少可持续发展观念是 造成这两大问题的本源。一、关注游客体验是旅游景区生存的前提忽视游客体验是旅游景区倒闭的最重要原因,景 区为什么不能吸引游客,关键是景区的产品不能够让游客产生“舒服”的旅游体验。不游客,景区就失去了生存条 件。 (一)体验经济的特征PineⅡ和Gilmore(1998)在《哈佛商业评论》中指出了体验经济时代的降 临。提出体验是以服务为舞台、以商品为道具,缭绕消费者创造出值得消费者回想的活动。体验经济的典范特征是 :消费是一个过程,消费者是这一过程的“产品”,由于当过程停止的时候,记忆将久长保存对过程的“体验”。 花费者乐意为这类体验付费,因为它美妙、难得、非我莫属、不可复制、不可转让、转瞬即逝,它的每一霎时都是 一个“唯一”。体验经济所寻求的最大特征就是消费和出产的“个性化”。对旅游景区来说最终的休会就是“快乐 ”。他们将体验分为4大类:消遣、教导、回避和审美。让人感觉最丰盛的体验必须同时涵盖四个方面,即处于四 个方面的穿插的“甜美地带”(SweetSpot)的体验。到迪士尼乐园、赌城拉斯维加斯就属于最丰硕的体 验。PineⅡ和Gilmore还提出了塑造体验的5种方法:体验主题化、以正面线索强化主题印象、淘汰消 极印象、提供留念品与看重对游客的感官刺激。 (二)游客需求:快乐“三感” 游客盼望在旅游景区实现他们“求弥补、求摆脱”的目的,在旅游过程中补偿他们在日常生活中没有得到的货色, 从日常生涯的懊恼中解脱出来。游客愿望得到的体验是旅游活动发生的快乐。过去的游客是憧憬大自然的(Sun lust)、缺乏教训的民众消费者。标准化的旅游产品就可以满足它们的要求。而体验经济时期的旅游者追求个 性化的服务、机动性、更多的冒险与多种选择。他们追求实在与差别,从逃避走向自我实现。体验经济时代的游客 特征是: 1、更愿抉择散客而非团队;2.挑选个性化定制的旅游产品而非标准化产品;3.不是购买整体产品而是购买整 机自己组装;追随别人去名胜古迹到发明旅游胜地;4.从“走马看花”式的巡游到“下马赏花”式的游览;5. 从“傍观”到“参与”,从“领受”到“贡献”;6.从只重视“到此一游”的结果到同时重视“成果”与“过程 ”,从“被组织”、“被部署”到“本人组织”、“自己支配”。从游客的旅游终纵目标来说是为了追求快乐的体 验。快乐是由新鲜感、亲切感与自豪感三因素构成的。新鲜感来自于差异,亲切感来自于交流,dr dre monster beats tour,自豪感来自于夸奖。新鲜感,即离奇与鲜活。亲切感是从接触中,特殊是人与人接触中,得到的一种满意感,他 的重要功效是打消孤单,只有那些欢送、关怀与懂得的接触能力够产生亲切感。骄傲感是对自己价值的确定,是一 种对自己知足的感到,supra tk。认为自己是个有价值的人,值得尊敬的人,值得自己也值得别人爱的人。一个成功的景区应当通过各种场景设施 与服务来明白游客的这三种感想。 (三)最优体验标准:畅什么是最优体验呢?心理学家克珍特米哈依在其名著《畅:最佳体验的心理学》中提出了 最优的体验尺度是“畅”(flow),即“具备恰当的挑战性而能让一个人深深沉迷于其中,甚至忘却了时间的 流逝、意识不到自己的存在”。这些思惟将对现行的景区开发实践产生深远影响。“适当的”挑战指活动的难度与 一个人所把握的技巧相适应,太难的活动会让人觉得缓和跟焦急,而太轻易的运动则会让人感到腻烦,都不能让人 失掉快活体验。二、均衡利用是景区可持续发展的基本二战以来,旅游景区开发与经营理念阅历了从经济至上到平 衡发展,从经济增加主义到旅游可持续发展的演化过程。经济增长主义早期的旅游景区开发方法的重点是产品开发 、土地规划与市场促销,主要目标是景区经济好处最大化。这种理念导致的结果是环境恶化、犯法增长、游客与社 区居民关系紧张、广告领导的游客畸形消费等。中国旅游景区开发在从前的25年中获得了宏大的成绩,但海内的 旅游开发长期受经济产业思维主宰,把旅游收入超过地方GDP的5%(或8%)成为地方支柱产业作为旅游开发 的中心目的。而且指导中国旅游业发展的2条重要假设是:旅游业是无烟产业;旅游业是投资少,奏效快的工业。 这两条假设加剧了中国旅游景区的过度开发与环境破坏。资源保护主义跟着适度开发负面影响的扩展,人们对资源 保护的关注逐渐增强。以Gunn为代表的空间与资源主导的旅游景区开发理论,其核心概念是分区(Zonin g),他将旅游景辨别为吸引物、景区路网、社区与交通干线。上述属于空间分区,还有时间分区,好比很多景区 在留鸟鱼类滋生时光制约游客进入,tory burch flip flops sale。分区管理的目的是保护自然环境与提供娱乐机会。这种开发理念留神对资源与环境的保护,但并没有找到环境维 护与经济增长协调共存的方式,依然把这两者看成是对峙关联。可持续发展观 1980年代开始人们越来越意识到社区居民是旅游产品的核心。社区方法(CommunityApproac h)是这一思想的代表。Murphy提倡从社区利益动身,由社区断定发展目标、掌握开发进程,追求景区经济 、社会、文化与生态之间的均衡。其核心概念是社区发展与社会承载力。后来可持续发展与生态旅游理念引入,旅 游景区开发开始重视资源环境应用的永续性与社会的代内代际公正。可连续旅游旅游是“在满意现有旅游者与地方 社区居民需要的同时,保护与加强未来的发展机遇。” 可持续发展的核心是:经济效率、社会公平与环境完全的统一。经济效力指既要保护现在的经济生产力又要给将来 下一代的经济机会。社会公平指保护人类与文化遗产。环境完整指掩护根本的生态过程与生物多样性。领导可持续 旅游的4个重要工具是:娱乐机会谱、可接收的变更极限、游客影响管理和旅游最优管理模型。三、“快乐戏院” :体验经济时代的景区管理模式由上面的剖析可知,成功的旅游景区必须要为游客生产快乐的体验,同时要实现景 区的资源、环境与文化的完整同一。正如地中海俱乐部提出的经营信条那样“咱们的工作就是创造快乐!”地中海 俱乐部的“完全无牵无挂的度假、全包的假期与一次性付费”经营理念就是要让游客真正享受快乐。从实质上说, 旅游景区就是一个快乐剧场,游客与居民、员工共同上演一场欢喜剧。 (一)总体管理旅游景区要长期规划、总体节制;履行从家门到景区大门的全程空间管理。政府方面要激励大众参 加规划,严厉监管企业开发行为,制订行业标准,评估与监控旅游影响。对游客进行教育与沟通,培育负义务的旅 游者。推行“自然林保护”、“退耕还林”、“以粮代赈”等政策。 (二)项目配置原则差异性:差异性表示为唯一、第一与多样,jimmy choo shoes online。要体现新鲜感,首先景区产品要有特色,拥有独一性,即奇特性;其次景区产品存在第一的特点;最后要给顾客 多种取舍。特色请求景区要有主题,要让游客对景区有处所感。它必需提供游客某种独特的旅游体验。就象你在黄 山与在泰山会有完整不同的体验一样。因为任何项目都要衰老,保持独特征或新颖感的基本是项目持续翻新。西方 国度对主题公园朽迈问题的对策是每3年进行一次产品更新,而节庆表演节目则每年有30%的更新率。参与性: 游客不仅是体验的主体也是体验的成分。参与性体当初两方面,项目本身需要游客参与以及游客参与项目标设计与 组合。必需要游客来参与产品的设计,或者是提倡议或者是自己组装,才干够提供游客真正须要的个性化产品。工 业社会之后,技术的隔离和社会哀伤与焦急创造了对社会互动经历的需求。比方电话导致面对面沟通的减少,但技 巧不能替换真实的互动,当顾客的口味与偏好转向老式价值时,景区必须提供社会互动的体验。挑战性:项目的设 计还要斟酌对游客有必定的挑战性,给游客冲破自己性命极限证实自己生命价值的旅游项目,这些项目为游客造就 自豪感。当游客爬上一座顶峰、跳一次蹦极、奔腾某一峡谷等驯服某种艰巨险阻,胜利完成了别人无奈实现或自己 以前无法完成的事件时,自豪感就产生了。比如极限活动需要冒受伤甚至逝世亡的危险,使人在逾越心理蒙受极限 时获得极大的愉悦感和造诣感。当然景区配置项目一定要控制好名目的难度,要让游客有选择,tods loafers,大多数项目的难度要适度,即只有经由一定的尽力就可能成功,否则反而会产生挫折感。(三)资源与环境管理 方法:梯度开发或循环利用,“减”人数“增”植被资源与环境的多样性是独特游客体验的必要条件,也是新鲜感 的基础。没有了生态多样性,天然就不能给游客带来新鲜感。生态环境成为了景区的重要吸引物。在满足经济、社 会和审美需要的同时,保障文化统一、基础的生态过程、生物多样性和生命支撑体系。对文物保护的“有效保护、 公道利用、加强管理”指点方针,以及就地取材,采取分区、容量把持、轮休等办法保证资源与环境的可持续利用 ,避免“吃祖宗饭、造子孙孽”的恶性开发。景区资源采用梯度开发模式:比如在温泉度假区,50 63℃温泉水用于供热采暖;37 50℃用于洗浴;30 35℃用于养殖(鱼、虾、蛇)与景观用水;20 25℃用于农业(浸种、育秧、种菜、养花)、泳池用水、湿地用水;10 20℃农田浇灌。或轮回利用模式,如珠江三角洲地区的桑基鱼塘休闲度假村,其基本循环是:塘基植桑,塘内养 鱼,桑叶喂蚕,蚕桑放弃物和蚕蛹喂猪,蚕沙喂鱼,鱼池中的塘泥肥桑,蚕茧加工后销售市场。猪肉、鱼、蚕等可 供游客食用、垂钓、或作为旅游商品购置。基塘之间一环扣一环,它们彼此制约,互相促进,恰是:“桑茂蚕壮猪 肥鱼大,塘肥基好茧多丝优。” 保护生态可以做“加法”,如碧峰峡,有意塑造红、黄、绿、蓝等五彩的森林景观,种植一批红叶,精心营造良好 的生态旅游环境,同时配套种植黄芪、虫草、贝母、当归等特产药材,以及沙棘、蔷蔽、花椒、红豆杉等经济动物 ,变单一林种为综合资源。另一种资源管理方式是“减法”,就是对开发的限度办法。世界遗产治理中常见的减法 包含:限制总体游客数量,不让游客数目超过承载力;临时的景点封闭;提供复制品对顾客开放,而将真品保护起 来;实行分区:在重点文物区与旅行区之间设破缓冲区,减少游客对珍稀文物的损坏;设置固定参观路线;价钱限 制:对有些景点免费,而有些易受破坏的景点采用高价限流;移走人工制品:对一些易风化的文物,如摩崖石刻, 采用搬迁的方法在博物馆中保留起来,而不裸露在外。在我国的敦煌和九寨沟已经实行了定时定量方法来限制旅游 人数,莫高窟逐日限定数百游客进窟参观,九寨沟每日限定2000游客进区旅游,对国外游客如日本游客实施预 约参观。黄山则实行轮休轨制。姑苏开端通过政策杠杆与价值杠杆来到达保护园林的目的。在碧峰峡,为保证统一 规划,万贯团体斥资1000多万搬迁了景区内的数十户农产,其屋宇除一部门改作竹制别墅外,其余局部全体拆 除,恢复做作状况。(四)社区参与和旅游扶贫社区是塑造游客体验的重要道具,社区介入的起因主要有两个:一 是社区居民对景区开发的影响感触最深:二是社区居民自身是形成游客体验中“友爱氛围”的必要成分。增进社区 发展本质上是保护了文化的多样性。社区为游客的新鲜感以及亲热感供给必要的基础。景区开发要带动社区发展, 增添地方就业、社会收入与国民生活程度。在老少边穷地区,旅游扶贫是中国特点的景区开发的必要使命,200 0年8月六盘山旅游扶贫试验区动工,这是我国第一个国家级旅游扶贫实验区。广东、贵州与海南纷纭仿效并且在 通过旅游带动贫苦地域经济发展取得伟大成功。 (五)景区服务:亲切感的源泉员工服务是游客亲切感与自豪感的主要起源。在地中海俱乐部,向导是地中海俱乐 部的灵魂。像友人一样与游客同吃同住同娱乐,与游客打成一片。又像一个节目主持人,幽默风趣、恭谦勤快、对 游客有求必应。在共同营造景区气氛中,员工起着主导作用。这表现在对游客的服务行为上,包括微笑、眼神交换 、令人愉悦的行动、特定角色的表演,以及与游客接触的每一细节。现在的服务业特别器重服务情景中的员工与游 客背靠背接触的真实时刻管理,这所有都为了给游客一个快乐体验。
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Old 04-25-2011, 01:12 PM   #2
General of the Army
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disease creeping in his bamboo bed, his hands pulling at the edge of the bed of a small half of the lean out of bed in the bed next to the 29 years ago, the cruel disease to his feet, hip deformity atrophy, loss of standing, sitting ability, thin body only in bed for company. However, in pain or illness, he was still chasing the hope of life, with residual footer interpretation of Song of Life.
Youth wings folded,

45-year-old Chen Wansheng, smart, studious childhood, primary schools received awards during the period covered in the home side walls. However, this has a better future in this season of the young, the disease has been mercilessly brutal torture. In 1981, the first day of Chen Wansheng are reading, suddenly suffering from osteomyelitis. Parents took him successively the way to the county, city, provincial tertiary hospital, the disease still not improve. After half a year of treatment, the provincial capital hospital specialists or regret to inform him that it accepted the reality of lower limb paralysis. But as the son Xin Tourou parents did not give up, they put his son's home, then borrowed money, would give up farming go back and forth across seek medical treatment. Visited every country in the doctors and try all over all kinds of medicine, Chen Wansheng's condition continues to deteriorate very quickly, and lower limbs, buttocks muscles gradually atrophy, loss of standing, sitting ability, and even the desire wheelchair can achieve.
bloom season is the dream of the age, but severe body paralysis of all dreams have become impossible. To this end, Chen Wansheng once fell into the trough of despair. At that time, the mother's good care and patience so that he gradually gave up enlighten the idea of ​​suicide. In 1987, his mother passed away with regret. Chen Wansheng early 20s just can not accept this reality, many want your head against the wall, away to be with her mother. Seeing seventy old father gave him a harsh slap in the face of two, the strong man in order to cure his son, Zaikuzailei never tear flow, this time squatting on the ground crying your head: If you really have filial piety, then, to ask you stay with us while I'm alive,gucci bags! At the moment, he truly realized, living, not only own one thing, it is a responsibility.
bed and cooking

mother was still alive, are living the lives of the mother to take care of Chen Wansheng. After the death of his mother, brothers and sisters are all married and each had to take care of Chen Wansheng old father, the burden falls on the shoulders. Looked at the elderly manage thin outside, spend time at home, often tired bending beneath, Chen Wansheng is not too happy, he proposed the idea of ​​cooking on the bed. Father, a, a hundred do not agree: son begged his father could not stand in the side room and put a bamboo bed, bedside support a stoves, wood put around the bed around, buckets, chopping board, pots and pans and so on. Chen Wansheng lying on the bamboo bed, to the abdomen for support, stuck half a body operation.
stir-fry cooking, it is a tiring for normal living, but to lie on the bed to complete these more difficult. Beginning, because the position inconvenient operation, together with chopping skills do not understand, make things right for one or two dishes should spend half the morning, abdominal cramps unbearable long efforts led to internal organs, often extract large drops of perspiration . Arms, neck pain is often so tired already, a few days to recover, however, and broken fingers cut, burned hands is common, sometimes even to lean over to get something not far from the turn out of bed . These times, Chen Wansheng always tolerate the pain, teeth persist. Now, lying in bed he had aplomb of the housework.
Chen Wansheng Society of bed to cook, put the chores can be done at the bedside, such as laundry, also all the packages down, suddenly became the main labor force at home. Then, his father was busy working the ground and the farm work, at home can eat delicious meals. 2006, nearly 90-year-old father, sick in bed. To share the burden brothers, Chen Wansheng requested the father to his own bed and taken care of, as his father bathing, washing clothes, fed, etc., until the father died last year.
Thanksgiving in mind

Chen Wansheng now live in the house last year, the county civil affairs department built a new house for his contribution. Than the lining in the new house,tory burch handbags, the house is even more broken ugly furnishings. Accompanied him through his creaky 29-year bamboo bed,miu miu handbag, bed fairly neatly placed around the age-old rice container, stoves, etc., the only large house is across the low table on the bed 21 inches color TV,handbags uk, which is Government departments presented.
He said that in addition to funding construction of the house and sent to the TV, the Government has made an exception to arrange for him to enjoy the urban low, 280 yuan per month, which became his only source of income; holidays, county, town cadres will come visit condolences; around to help him is a lot of good people, young and old village because he did not discriminate against persons with disabilities, he was often contrary to walk with him to chat relaxing, and neighbors is to send food, send oil to a lot of help; Chen Wansheng as physical weakness, frequent colds,burberry leather handbags, near the village doctors received a phone call will immediately come to therapy.
Although life is full of hardships and tribulations, but Chen Wansheng showed rare positive attitude towards life, a little pale, often with a smile on his face. Every day he opened his eyes the first thing is to open the radio to listen to news, then clean toilet, wash, cook and am also look at the book. Weekend there is an important task is the village primary school homework guidance for their stories, then a small sense of accomplishment for Chen Wansheng happy.
because there is no source of income,paul smith bags, but also do not want to rely on others too much, Chen Wansheng always find ways to save money, life is really impoverished. He often made two or three days on a bowl of food to eat, sometimes eat only two meals a day. To save power, like to watch television news, he is reluctant to even open.
He said the biggest regret is unable to return to help his government and all well-intentioned people, he has been a desire to donate his body after death, valuable organs.
text / Chart Tsang reporter Wang
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