Raguel’s name means ‘Friend of God’. His chief task is assisting all creation to work together in harmony and order according to Divine order and will.
He is incredibly helpful in working with relationships in conflict. If you need help in creating harmony and resolving conflicts, involving anyone in your life, call upon Raguel.
One example of how real his help is happened in my own life last summer. We were purchasing our first home and in the 11th hour, it appeared that it may all fall apart. All our belongings were packed, movers scheduled, boxes and boxes stacked up taller than we are, filled every room. We had let go of our lease and a new tenant was slated to be moving in within days. Needless to say,
Karen Millen Statement Folded Dress Black, we were under a great deal of stress.
I called upon Raguel to help in the roadblocks and to assist the parties involved with the closing to work together harmoniously, which was the biggest issue.
In tears one evening I heard a voice say “It’s taken care of. You're going to be in your home.” It was Raguel. I then had to have faith and trust. And he was correct, it all worked out. However without his assistance, I believe it may not have.
And therein lies your role. To ASK, to call upon him during those stressful times of conflict, miscommunication and lack of balance. Angels are under divine law and cannot assist us unless we ask them to.
This channeled message through me is from Raguel.
Raguel’s messages to you:
“As in the accurate saying “All things are possible with God”, it truly is.
You would be amazed and comforted to know how aware the angels are of YOU and what is going on with you. It would encourage you greatly if you could really understand how much we know who you really are and how available we are for you. Unless you call upon me, I can only envelope my energy around you, like a unseen embrace, or hug. But when you call upon me and ask me to help you, that is when I can come into physical action and help you create harmony in your world.
Do you wonder why you keep calling us to change your friend,
Karen Millen Graphic Check Dress White and Black, spouse, coworker but nothing changes? One thing to understand is that we can and will never manipulate someone to achieve something you wish to happen. We will never “make John think or feel or do this or that. ”
That is not how angelic healing and intersession works, my children. How we work is like God’s Love alchemy, we create higher energies and Light to raise the vibration of a situation, so that the human being involved can make the better choice, think the higher thought, create the space that they can feel more love, compassion or forgiveness.
Far more productive and something in which you will receive results with is call us to help YOU see things differently. If you give us permission to help you, we can do that. We cannot change someone else for you. That is against Divine Law.
Within relationships, just shifting your energy can create miracles and bring your partner’s vision into higher alignment because you did it first. Your energy changed. Creating the change withing yourself can transform any issue.
The only thing you need ask me is this: “Raguel, transform my thoughts, feelings and energy of this situation into a higher vibration. I am willing and open to being the Light of Change in this issue. Bring the Light into me so that I can see this situation as a being of God’s Light. Seeing it with a more gentle and open heart and mind, allowing me to lead by example.”
For the changes truly come through you. Any change for the positive is from you. You send it Light, with our assistance. That my children, is how we create harmony and balance in difficult relationships and situations. I am here to assist you in doing this, call upon me.”
~AA Raguel channeled through Eileen Smith