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Old 05-03-2011, 04:21 PM   #1
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Default nike shoes 2009 400条小窍门,终身受益

  9。在洗完脸后,用手指沾些细盐在鼻头两侧轻轻摩擦,然后再用清水冲净,黑头粉刺就会清除干净,毛细孔 也会变小。
  12。洗脚的时候在脚盆里放几片XXXXXXZ(复方磺胺甲�唑)泡10多分钟,3天保证 就好
  15。治疗咳嗽(特别是干咳)的土方法:晚上睡觉前,supreme dunks Last train,用纯芝麻香油煎鸡蛋,油放稍多些,什么调味料都不要放,趁热吃过就睡觉,连吃几天效果很明显 !
  16。手腕长粗的MM想带较细的手镯怎么办,不能硬带,要来点巧的。其实很简单,就是把手上套一个塑料 袋里再去戴那些平时不容易带的镯子,非常好戴了,也不会把手弄疼,取的时候也是同样的方法
  17。出门是随时在包包里面带一节小的干电池,如果你的裙子带静电的话把电池的正极在裙子上面擦几下就 可以去掉静电了
  19。如果嗓子、牙龈发炎了,晚上10点钟的时候,把西瓜切成小块,沾着盐吃,记得一定要是10点整, 当时症状就会减轻,第二天就好了,这是一个信佛的阿姨告诉我的,真得很灵!!!
  23。去西红柿的外皮,可以用叉子或筷子插住西红柿的下部,用煤气小火稍微烤一下,外皮就会自动裂开来 。
  27。把核桃放到锅里蒸10分钟 取出放到凉水里再砸开 就能取出完整的核桃仁了
  1 、巧用牙膏6:若有小面积皮肤损伤或烧伤、烫伤,抹上少许牙膏,可立即止血止痛,也可防止感染 ,疗效颇佳。
  2 、巧除纱窗油腻3:可将洗衣粉、吸烟剩下的烟头一起放在水里,待溶解后,拿来擦玻璃窗、纱窗, 效果均不错。
  3 、将虾仁放入碗内,加一点精盐、食用碱粉,用手抓搓一会儿后用清水浸泡,然后再用清水洗净,这样能使炒出的 虾仁透明如水晶,爽嫩可口
  4 、和饺子面的窍门1:在1斤面粉里掺入6个蛋清,使面里蛋白质增加,包的饺子下锅后蛋白质会很快凝固收缩, 饺子起锅后收水快,不易粘连
  5 、将残茶叶浸入水中数天后,浇在植物根部,可促进植物生长;把残茶叶晒干,放到厕所或沟渠里燃熏,可消除恶 臭,具有驱除蚊蝇的功能。
  6 、夹生饭重煮法:如果是米饭夹生,可用筷子在饭内扎些直通锅底的孔,洒入少许黄酒重焖,若只表面夹生,只要 将表层翻到中间再焖即可。
  7 、烹调蔬菜时如果必须要焯,焯好菜的水最好尽量利用。如做水饺的菜,焯好的水可适量放在肉馅里,这样即保存 营养,又使水饺馅味美有汤
  8 、炒鸡蛋的窍门:将鸡蛋打入碗中,加入少许温水搅拌均匀,倒入油锅里炒,炒时往锅里滴少许酒,这样炒出的鸡 蛋蓬松、鲜嫩、可口。
  9 、如何使用砂锅1:新买来的砂锅第一次使用时,最好用来熬粥,或者用它煮一煮浓淘米水,以堵塞砂锅的微细孔 隙,防止渗水_
  10 、巧用“十三香”:炖肉时用陈皮,香味浓郁;吃牛羊肉加白芷,可除膻增鲜;自制香肠用肉桂,味道鲜美;熏肉 熏鸡用丁香,回味无穷。
  11 、和饺子面的窍门2:面要和的略硬一点,和好后放在盆里盖严密封,饧10-15分钟,等面中麦胶蛋白吸水膨胀,充分形成面筋后再包饺子
  12 、香菜是一种伞形花科类植物,富含香精油,香气浓郁,但香精油极易挥发,且经不起长时间加热,香菜最好在食 用前加入,以保留其香气。
  13 、当进行高温洗涤或干衣程序时,不可碰触机门玻璃,以免烫伤。拿出烘干的衣物时,要小心衣物上的金属部分, 如拉链、纽扣等,以免烫伤。
  14 、如果衣领和袖口较脏,可将衣物先放进溶有洗衣粉的温水中浸泡15-20分钟,再进行正常洗涤,就能洗干净。
  15 、如何使用砂锅2:用砂锅熬汤、炖肉时,要先往砂锅里放水,再把砂锅置于火上,先用文火,再用 旺火。
  16 、烹调蔬菜时,加点菱粉类淀粉,使汤变得稠浓,不但可使烹调出的蔬菜美味可口,而且由于淀粉含谷胱甘肽,对 维生素有保护作用。
  17 、米饭若烧糊了,赶紧将火关掉,在米饭上面放一块面包皮,盖上锅盖,5分钟后,面包皮即可把糊 味吸收。
  18 、洗衣粉用量:若衣服不太脏或洗涤时泡沫过多,则要减少洗衣粉用量。避免洗衣粉使用过量,不仅省钱而且保护 环境,可令洗衣机更耐用。
  19 、煮饺子时要添足水,待水开后加入2%的食盐,溶解后再下饺子,能增加面筋的韧性,饺子不会粘皮、粘底,饺 子的色泽会变白,汤清饺香。
  20 、许多人爱吃青菜却不爱喝菜汤,事实上,烧菜时,大部分维生素已溶解在菜汤里。比如小白菜炒好后,会有70 %的维生素C溶解在菜汤里。
  21 、白袜子若发黄了,可用洗衣粉溶液浸泡30分钟后再进行洗涤。
  22 、如何使用砂锅3:从火上端下砂锅时,一定要放在干燥的木板或草垫上,切不要放在瓷砖或水泥地 面上。
  23 、烧荤菜时,在加了酒后,再加点醋,菜就会变得香喷喷的。烧豆芽之类的素菜时,适当加点醋,味道好营养也好 ,因为醋对维生素有保护作用
  24 、面包能消除衣服油迹:用餐时,衣服如果被油迹所染,可用新鲜白面包轻轻摩擦,油迹即可消除。
  25 、用残茶叶擦洗木、竹桌椅,可使之更为光洁。把残茶叶晒干,铺撒在潮湿处,能够去潮;残茶叶晒干后,还可装 入枕套充当枕芯,非常柔软。
  26 、饺子煮熟以后,先用笊篱把饺子捞出,随即放入温开水中浸涮一下,然后再装盘,饺子就不会互相 粘在一起了。
  27 、炒鲜虾的窍门:炒鲜虾之前,可先将虾用浸泡桂皮的沸水冲烫一下,然后再炒,这样炒出来的虾, 味道更鲜美。
  28 、蔬菜尽可能做到现炒现吃,避免长时间保温和多次加热。另外,为使菜梗易熟,可在快炒后加少许 水闷熟。
  29 、面包能消除地毯污迹:家中的小块地毯如果脏了,可用热面包渣擦拭,然后将其挂在阴凉处,24小时后,污迹 即可除净。
  30 、男子剃须时,可用牙膏代替肥皂,由于牙膏不含游离碱,不仅对皮肤无刺激,而且泡沫丰富,气味清香,使人有 清凉舒爽之感。
  31 、风油精的妙用(1):在电风扇的叶子上洒上几滴风油精,Air Max Wright,随着风叶的不停转动,可使满室清香,而且有驱赶蚊子的效用。
  32 、刷油漆前,先在双手上抹层面霜,刷过油漆后把奶油涂于沾有油漆的皮肤上,用干布擦拭,再用香皂清洗,就能 把附着于皮肤上的油漆除掉。
  33 、豆腐一般都会有一股卤水味。豆腐下锅前,如果先在开水中浸泡10多分钟,便可除去卤水味,这样做出的豆腐 不但口感好,而且味美香甜。
  34 、煮鸡蛋时,可先将鸡蛋放入冷水中浸泡一会,再放入热水里煮,这样煮好的鸡蛋蛋壳不破裂,且易 于剥掉。
  35 、手表受磁,会影响走时准确。消除方法很简单,只要找一个未受磁的铁环,将表放在环中,慢慢穿来穿去,几分 钟后,手表就会退磁复原
  36 、豆腐性偏寒,平素有胃寒者,如食用豆腐后有胸闷、反胃等现象,则不宜食用;易腹泻、腹胀脾虚者,也不宜多 食豆腐
  37 、牙膏也有洁肤功能!洗澡时用牙膏代替浴皂搓身去污,既有明显的洁肤功能,还能使浴后浑身凉爽,而且还有预 防痱子的作用
  38 、用微波炉做菜时,首先要用调料将原料浸透。这是因为微波烹任过程快,若不浸润透很难入味,且葱、姜、蒜等 增香的作用也难以发挥
  39 、葡萄汁送服降压药效果好!用葡萄汁代替白开水送服降压药,能使血压降得平稳,且不会出现血压忽高忽低的现 象。
  40 、煮饭不宜用生水。因为自来水中含有氯气,在烧饭过程中,它会破坏粮食中所含的维生素B1,若用开水煮饭, 维生素B1可免受损失。
  41 、砧板防裂小窍门:买回新砧板后,在砧板上下两面及周边涂上食用油,待油吸干后再涂,涂三四遍,油干后即可 使用,这样砧板便会经久耐
  42 、风油精的妙用(2)时,在水中加入数滴风油精,浴后会有浑身清凉舒爽感觉,还有防治痱子、防蚊叮咬、祛除 汗臭的作用。
  43 、炸馒头片时,先将馒头片在冷水里浸一下,然后再入锅炸,这样炸好的馒头片焦黄酥脆,既好吃又 省油。
  44 、做菜或做汤时,如果做咸了,可拿一个洗净的土豆切成两半放入汤里煮几分钟,这样,汤就能由咸 变淡了。
  45 、舒缓眼部疲劳小窍门:用水浸泡药用小米草或母菊花,然后将毛巾浸湿,敷于眼部10到15分钟 ,nike shoes 2009,可有效舒缓眼部疲劳。
  46 、夏日天气炎热,身上容易长痱子,可用温水将长有痱子的部位洗净,涂擦一层牙膏,痱子不久即可 消失。
  47 、室内厕所即使冲洗得再干净,也常会留下一股臭味,只要在厕所内放置一小杯香醋,臭味便会消失。其有效期为 六、七天,可每周换一次。
  48 、如果用陈米做米饭,淘过米之后,可在往米中加水的同时,加入1/4或1/5啤酒,Love and be loved is ............,这样蒸出来的米饭香甜,且有光泽,如同新米一样。
  49 、煮饺子时,饺子皮和馅中的水溶性营养素除因受热小部分损失之外,大部分都溶解在汤里,所以,吃水饺最好把 汤也喝掉。
  50 、热水泡双手可治偏头痛。把双手浸入热水中,水量以浸过手腕为宜,并不断地加热水,以保持水温。半小时后, 痛感即可减轻,甚至完全消失
  51 、忌食鲜黄花菜!因为鲜黄花菜内含秋水仙碱有毒物质,食用后会导致恶心、腹泻等。而加工后的干黄花菜已将秋 水仙碱溶出,食用则不会中毒。
  52 、风油精的妙用(3):在点燃的蚊香上洒几滴风油精,蚊香放出的烟气不会呛,而且清香扑鼻,驱蚊效果也会更 佳。
  53 、在洗碗水中放几片柠檬皮和橘子皮,或滴几滴醋,能消除碗碟等餐具上的异味。同时,它还能使硬水软化,同时 增加瓷器的光泽感。
  54 、皮肤小面积擦伤会导致局部肿胀,这时可在伤口处涂些牙膏,不仅具有止痛、止血、减轻肿胀的功效,还有防止 伤口化脓的作用。
  55 、烤肉防焦小窍门:烤肉时,可在烤箱里放一只盛有水的器皿,因为器皿中的水可随烤箱内温度的升高而变成水蒸 气,防止烤肉焦糊。
  56 、巧洗带鱼:带鱼身上的腥味和油腻较大,用清水很难洗净,可把带鱼先放在碱水中泡一下,再用清水洗,就会很 容易洗净,而且无腥味。
  57 、芥末煮水洗脚可降血压。将80克芥末面放在洗脚盆里,加半盆水搅匀,用炉火煮开,稍凉后洗脚。每天早晚1 次,1天后血压就可下降。
  58 、煮排骨时放点醋,可使排骨中的钙、磷、铁等矿物质溶解出来,利于吸收,营养价值更高。此外,醋还可以防止 食物中的维生素被破坏。
  59 、巧剥蒜皮:将蒜用温水泡3-5分钟捞出,用手一搓,蒜皮即可脱落。如需一次剥好多蒜,可将蒜摊在案板上,用刀轻轻拍打即可脱 去蒜皮。
  60 、蚊香定时熄灭法:用一个铁夹子,用时夹在蚊香所需要的长度上,当蚊香烧到铁夹夹的地方时,就会熄灭,既不 影响睡眠,也可节约蚊香
  61 、面包与饼干不宜一起存放。面包含水分较多,饼干一般则是干而脆,两者如果存放在一起,就会使面包变硬,饼 干也会因受潮失去酥脆感
  62 、烧糖醋鱼块及其它需放醋的菜肴时,最好在即将起锅时再放醋,这样能充分保持醋味,若放的过早,醋就会在烹 调过程中蒸发掉而使醋味大减
  63 、梨可防晒!常食梨能使肌肤保持弹性,不起皱纹。梨中含有丰富的维生素E,对太阳光的暴晒能起 到防护作用。
  64 、各种染发剂在室温或炎热的天气中,均会失去部分功能或改变色泽。若放在冰箱中保存,可长期保持其原有的功 能,不会变质
  65 、冷冻食品解冻法1:肉类:适宜在室温下自然解冻,在水中解冻会使营养流失;家禽:宜在水中解冻,但未去内 脏的最好在室温下自然解冻。
  66 、彩电不能自行接地线,如果接地线,一旦电源插头接反时,会使机内地线与电源的火线接通而使机架等部件带电 ,这样会有触电的危险。
  67 、揭胶纸、胶带的妙法:贴在墙上的胶纸或胶带,如果生硬去揭,会损坏物件,可用蒸汽熨斗熨一下,就能很容易 揭去了。
  68 、皮鞋霉斑清除法:皮鞋放久了发霉时,可用软布蘸酒精加水(1:1)溶液进行擦拭,然后放在通风处晾干。对 发霉的皮包也可如此处理
  69 、巧制肉馅:将要做馅的肉放入冰箱冷冻,待完全冻实后取出,用擦菜板擦肉,很容易就能擦把冻肉成细条,之后 ,只需用刀剁几下就可以了。
  70 、皱褶身份证复原法:将身份证放在桌上,上面盖一两层纸,用熨斗隔纸熨烫(温度不易过高),熨好一面再熨另 一面,即可使之平展如初。
  71 、电吹风治疗肩周炎!用电吹风以适当距离对准患者肩部用热风吹约10分钟,每天两次,3周可愈。若先在患者 肩部擦上药酒再吹,效果更佳
  72 、煮肉的时候,如果想使汤味鲜美,应该把肉放入冷水中慢慢地煮,ventilation max 95 shoes If you see by me apt buff;如果想使肉味鲜美,则应该把肉放在热水里煮。
  73 、宝石戒指如何清洗?可用棉棒在氧化镁和氨水混合物,或花露水、甘油中沾湿,擦洗宝石和框架,然后用绒布擦 亮即可。
  74 、芦笋可减肥!芦笋能提高人体的基础代谢,促进人体内热量的消耗,并有很强的脱水能力,因此,多吃新鲜芦笋 能变得苗条。
  75 、如何让蜡烛不“流泪”?生日蜡烛用之前先放到冰箱的冷冻室里冷冻24小时,再插到蛋糕上,点燃后就没有烛 油流下而弄脏蛋糕了。
  76 、夏天甲鱼易被蚊子叮咬而死亡,但如果将甲鱼养在冰箱冷藏的果盘盒内,nike shoes for girls,既可防止蚊子叮咬,又可延长甲鱼的存活时间。
  77 、冷冻食品解冻法2:鱼类:宜在5%的40-50度食盐水中解冻;蛋品:可装在不透水的金属容器中,将容器浸在20度的水中迅速解冻~
  78 、茶叶与食糖、糖果不宜一起存放。茶叶易吸潮,而食糖、糖果却恰恰含水分多,这两类物品存放在一起,就会使 茶叶因受潮而发霉或变味。
  79 、洗涤面粉袋时不要在水中搓洗,可将面袋放在清水中泡1-2天,待发酵后,面粉会从面袋上自动脱落,air max 2,这时再用清水漂洗,即可干净如初。
  80 、茶叶受潮不要晒!夏季茶叶容易受潮,若把受潮的茶叶放到太阳下晒就会走味。可用铁锅慢火炒至水气消失,晾 干后密封保存,可保持其原味
  81 、牛仔裤穿时间长了就会褪色。可以把新买来的牛仔裤放入浓盐水中浸泡12小时后,再用清水洗净,以后再洗涤 时就不会褪色了
  82 、丝瓜治慢性喉炎。用丝瓜绞汁或将丝瓜藤切断,让其汁自然滴出,放入碗内,上锅蒸熟,再加适量冰糖饮用,就 能有效治疗慢性喉炎。
  83 、有的人吃药总是把药片掰开吃,以为药片小了利于吞咽。其实药片掰开后变成尖的,反而不利于下咽,还易划伤 食道,所以药片不要掰开吃。
  84 、指甲油长久不脱落法:涂指甲油之前,先用棉花蘸点醋把指甲擦干净,等醋干后再涂指甲油,这样指甲油就不容 易脱落了。
  85 、识别手机的窍门:正版手机机身号码,外包装号码,从手机上调出的号码三号一致。在验钞机下,进网许可标签 右下角显示CMII字样。
  86 、巧切松花蛋:用刀切松花蛋,蛋黄会粘在刀上,可用丝线将松花蛋割开,既均匀又不粘蛋黄。将刀在热水中烫一 下再切,也能切的整齐漂亮。
  87 、不能用茶叶煮鸡蛋!因为茶叶中除含有生物碱外,还有多种酸化物质,这些化合物与鸡蛋中的铁元素结合,对胃 有刺激作用,不利于消化吸收
  88 、瓜果的清洗:食用前,先将瓜果在盐水中浸泡20-30分钟,可去除瓜果表皮残存的农药或寄生虫卵,且盐水还有杀灭某些病菌的作用。
  89 、高压锅烹调火候:高压锅烹调时间从限压阀首次出气算起。鸡1千克加水2千克,18分钟可脱骨;排骨1千克 加水2千克,20分钟可脱骨
  90 、巧选茶叶:看匀度,将茶叶倒入茶盘里,手拿茶盘向一定方向旋转数圈,使不同形状的茶叶分出层次中段茶越多 ,表明匀度越好。
  91 、洋葱防衰老。洋葱对人体的结缔组织和关节有益。洋葱不仅能提供人体需要的许多养分,还含有微量元素硒,因 此,多食洋葱能够预防衰老。
  92 、巧除家电缝隙的灰尘:家用电器的缝隙里常常会积藏很多灰尘,且用布不宜擦净,可将废旧的毛笔用来清除缝隙 里的灰尘,非常方便。
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  94 、牛奶渍鱼格外香!把收拾好的鱼放到牛奶里泡一下,取出后裹一层干面粉,再入热油锅中炸制,其味道格外香美 。
  95 、鉴别珍珠的窍门:将珍珠放在阴暗处,闪闪发光的是上等珍珠;珍珠表面的清洁度和颜色决定珍珠的价值;珍珠 越大、越圆越有价值。
  96 、大枣巧去皮:将干的大枣用清水浸泡3小时,然后放入锅中煮沸,待大枣完全泡开发胖时,将其捞起剥皮,很容 易就能剥掉。
  97 、巧选茶叶:看茶叶松紧,紧而重实的质量好,粗而松弛、细而碎的质量差;看净度,茶叶中有较多茶梗、叶柄、 茶籽及杂质的质量差。
  98 、空腹不宜吃柿子。如果空腹吃大量未加工或未去皮的柿子,而胃里的游离酸含量又较高时,就会凝结成块,形成 柿石,引起肚子疼、呕吐等。
  99 、巧洗铁锅油垢:炒菜锅用久了,锅上积存的油垢很难清除掉,如果将新鲜的梨皮放在锅里加水煮一会儿,油垢就 很容易清除了。
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Old 05-03-2011, 05:46 PM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,448
g3sh7sf0mf is on a distinguished road

les is lesbian short, that means lesbian. Because of ######ual orientation into one of the groups produced the same ######. Currently, the international community to such acts mixed, some countries homo######ual Objectively speaking, this type of population and the general public that ######ual orientation different from the other and there is no difference.
Network Glossary definition gay lesbian related categories outlined in a class of T Class H Class P Note that the English meaning of lesbianlesbianism LES which countries allow legally married gay women? LES innate feelings towards the formation of the correct term evolution of the formation of entry the day after tomorrow to answer a rational view of LESles advice related to literary works recommended TV Movie interpretation of the relevant medical explanation for a French network. DeGeneres men from the old fort and the English name meaning _phonbe control pockets _. .. Les Naples from the ancient fortress 2. Celtic floating from the old fort ╃ ice sky with Lanyu ...: English men and women ... Les Celtic from the old fort [1] Glossary

lesbian 1. LES is the meaning of lesbian, also called Lara, lesbian, lesbian. A homo######ual 2. LES are a homo######ual (lesbian), refers to a person in terms of ######ual, psychological, emotional and social interest on, the main target are the same ###### person, such interest was not from the outside behavior show it. Those who fall in love with the same ######, ######uality or desire is, as homo######uals. In 1973, the American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association, homo######uality since the removal of disease classification system. Corrected for the definition of homo######uality: homo######uality is a person in terms of ######ual, psychological, emotional and social interest on, the main object are the same ######, not interested in such behavior from the outside to show it was. From here we can see that homo######uality is not only referring to ######ual orientation, many out of curiosity, forced ###### and other reasons to have ###### with people who are not gay. April 20, 2001, Thus, homo######uality is no longer classified as a pathological system. Homo######uality as a kind of morbid psychology no longer. Related Categories overview of lesbians that do not need a strict classification, but there are many people lesbians into T, P, H categories. H Class H refers to the P Class P refers to the traditional lesbian role, relative to the T side, slightly weak character or ability, tend to be taken care of the party, also the role of women. T and P is relative, not who is the absolute T or P, so the judge that they are T or P depends on the specific sense of the two sides get along, who can psychologically overwhelm the other, who is the T. T class on the T, both for women in ######ual orientation cases, T is undefined, but classification. Lord T into T, Mother T, pure T three, who is acting as male roles. Lord T is defined as Lord T and the same. . Tomboy who dressed up to do may be T, there is likely to be hetero######ual. GL is the English Lily is a female spirit of love between the pure Plato. GL and Lily is mainly used for animation field. BL is the English Crespo Island, and Le Sibo Island residents, extended meaning that homo######ual women. (a phonetic translation, but also: Lai Sibo Island) lesbianism lesbianism lesbianism originally intended. Which countries allow women to legally married gay? 1, Denmark: The first recognition of same-###### couples the legal status of cohabitation of European countries. In 1989, launched a same-###### couples registered on the establishment of the motion. And in October 1, 1989 come into effect. Registered same-###### couples can enjoy the exclusive right to some hetero######ual couples, such as inheritance, insurance, pensions, social welfare, income tax relief, unemployment relief. Similarly, if the divorce, they also have a commitment to maintenance obligations. In 1997, the Danish National Church (Lutheran Church) and Bishop vote recognize civil unions. Now, same-###### couples can marry in a church ceremony. Since 1999, same-###### couples can adopt children of their spouse, but still can not adopt children outside partnerships. 2, Norway: Denmark, after following the April 30, 1993, through their own respective legislation, August 1 implementation. 3, Sweden: June 23, 1994 through 1995 New Year's implementation. 4, Iceland: June 12, 1996 passed June 27 the same year to implement. 5 Netherlands: January 1, 1998, the Netherlands, For same-###### partners, the registration of same-###### couples will be couples and marriage, as in pensions, social security,louboutin shoes, inheritance and maintenance aspects of the same rights, bear the same obligations, but no right to same-###### couples adopt children; is for hetero######ual couples, the law for those who only want to temporarily married couples, but marriage between men and women do not want to provide legal protection, it is actually a December 2000, the Dutch Senate passed a law allowing homo######uals to marry and adopt children, the Act on April 1, 2001 came into effect, the realization of the Netherlands became the first country to legalize same-###### marriage, the law not only to allow gay marriage, and can fully enjoy all the rights and interests of the same ###### marriage. Thus, it is a real same-###### marriage law. 6, Belgium: June 22, 2001, the Belgian Council of Ministers adopted a draft law provides for the future of marriage in Belgium need not be a combination of hetero######ual marriage may be by two men or two composed of women. The passage of the bill to become the Netherlands, Belgium, after the second European country to allow same-###### marriage. 7, parts of Spain: Catalonia Parliament June 30, 1998 through the Aragon province on March 12, 1999 through a similar 8, Canada is the second of Spain, the world's first four countries recognize same-###### marriage. South Africa in 2006 officially recognized the legitimacy of same-###### marriage. 9, Germany: November 10, 2000 the German Federal Parliament passed a gay married couples living the According to this law, same-###### couples can be married in the marriage registry This law from August 1, 2001 came into effect. 10, France: January 2000, the French government launched a 11, Finland: October 2001,christian louboutin uk, the Finnish Parliament passed a law allowing gays to register as partners, the Act 2002 would come into effect March 1. In addition, Iceland, Brazil, Czech and Slovakia and other countries are also different degrees of protection of same-###### couples legal rights. The existing legislative practice, there are several modes 1, sporadic mode of regulation. The most cautious mode, it cohabiting partners to develop a number of special rules, for example common home, social insurance, because of their partnership responsibilities and obligations arising from inheritance rights. 2, domestic partners (domestic partner) Legislation. The focus of such laws is not the nature of partnership between them for life or a combination of commitment, but rather they form or has formed a fact of life combined with stability. 3, registered partners, the legislative model. Partnership Act created a legal status similar to marriage. Like marriage, there are several provisions of the Act is not only legal rights, privileges and responsibilities, but also leaving room for the contract parties. 4, same-###### marriage legislation model. Direct recognition of same-###### marriage and hetero######ual marriage in general has the same legal status. LES feelings have nothing to worry, the key is that you think you like the real degree of feelings of how much there is. Foreign countries do not say, at least China has a lot of LES are chasing fashion, or is separated from her boyfriend did not take long because it hurts inside, desperate for some man that the girls can entrust the same feelings. There is a saying that good But saw too many parallels in the nature, too much pain to take a short and sweet, really psyche distressed them. But this only they knew that the real degree of feelings of mutual dependence have been inexplicable feeling the pain.. LES are usually too sensitive ... ... Also, because society can not be accepted because of great pressure to bear. In fact, God created man to make a pair, a man and a woman, can not to get caught or not caught, addictive, because the share of men and women to understand and transcend the pain is. Do not be afraid, do not hesitant, ask yourself the heart of the most important is really is fresh and trendy, or out of or affected by. Lastly, I hope we all respect the LES, but choose a different, feelings are true, there is no fear, the attitude adjusted. Term evolution of the meaning of adolescent girls have been les. But in the Chinese network has gradually been alienated to the meaning of lesbian, also known as Lovers, Lala. Les from an ancient Greek name of the island Lesbos (Lai Sibo Island). This island is located in the Aegean Sea, Turkish coast near the north-west, more than Rock Hill, is an important Aeolian people live. 7th century BC, Lai Sibo Island is famous for its lyric poets, these poets, the most famous lesbian poet Sappho is (Sappho). Lesbian This means people living in the island, but since Sappho later, Lesbian began a new term notes. The late 19th century, the medical profession started to refer to and Sappho lesbian ######ual orientation are the same women. Since then, lesbian women began to include the meaning of homo######uality, and was widely used up. The formation of the correct treatment of congenital some are born. However, some like women, they may like a man, these people are bi######ual. Some people see the man on the tension, fear, unable to talk, not to mention love, so when they need love, only to find a woman, called the fear of male patients (non-generic, there is fear of the corresponding female patients), is can be treated. Day after the formation of some of the psychological trauma suffered or caused by environmental impacts, such is can be changed. Finally, there is a class of more specific: men who have been dumped, say they have to when the LES, do not love men, just escapism, it can be said that psychological abnormalities (with the above and many types. This entry advice long stretches of love, that would be a blessing I do not understand what the. Died halfway love this, but I know that is what kind of pain. Day, the soul wandering aimlessly, night, body to bear alone. Love can make a woman more beautiful, love can make a woman the same age between the roots at first, love, everything is heaven, not love, when all is hell. Lala's world do not know if there forever, through one forum, one drifting community, of the many searching for exploring the story, not seen on forever between Lara, looking forward to see the kind of Magic, can understand it is just a beautiful fairy tale. A man and woman fall in love, you can find their own after breaking another woman and man. Between the same and the same is true now, after the rush is still there would be another one horizon in the distance her waiting. However, with a result from the extraordinary love, the back, there is no return. Forward, it is a loss. Whether the mind or body, are hard to accept the both men and women. On the road, and people go hand in hand may be those who are no longer for love, only to need to warm ... ... If you can not love her Do not turn her into ###### if you can not do after she left you before going to fall in love with someone else please do not put her into a gay night, very tough. In the last minute and miss her desire, the body was wet, after moment, people around because of the instant dry touch. The same thing, because different people are doing, makes you feel two different feeling, a paradise, one is, hell ... ... ... relevant answers to some gay people do not understand, often think that homo######uality is a disease, or that ######ual orientation is a choice. There are some views of homophobia is more absurd, homo######uality in the end is how the matter? In this special excerpt of America's most authoritative definition of the State Psychological Association. please disseminate widely, the correct knowledge spread to the general public in the gay go. Q: What is ######uality? A: ######ual orientation refers to a long-term stability to regard other people feel attracted. This attraction can be emotional, and feeling romantic, ######ual or love aspect. ######ual orientation, easily from the characteristic elements from each other up distinction. This characteristic elements include biological ######, gender identity (male or female psychological) and social ###### role (the cultural norms and gender related). ######ual orientation is an absolute same-###### ######ual orientation from hetero######ual ######ual orientation to the absolute continuum system. It also contains various types of bi######ual tendencies. Bi######ual tendencies can feel from the same or opposite ######, based on ######ual, emotional or love on the attraction. Same-###### ######uality is sometimes also called gay (male or female), lesbian (only for female). ######ual orientation is different from ######ual behavior because it refers to a feeling that the concept itself. People do not put them in the act of ######ual orientation shown. Q: A Cause of ######ual orientation: ######ual tendency to produce a lot of theory. Most scientists today agree that ######ual orientation is likely to be environmental, cognitive and biological factors such as the combined result. For most people, ######uality at an early age has been formed. Now there are some credible evidence that biological factors (including genetic or inborn hormonal levels) characteristics of a person play a great role. In short, it is important to recognize that ######ual orientation may be the result of many factors, but may vary. Q: Can ######ual orientation Select A: No, a person can not choose a homo######ual or hetero######ual ######ual orientation ######ual orientation. For most people, ######uality in early adolescence when there is no ######ual experience have formed. Although we feel that we can choose according to whether the actual action, but psychologists believe that ######ual orientation is not a conscious choice, not free to change. Q: Can ######ual orientation through a number of Answer: no. Although homo######ual tendencies can also be a happy life, but in fact there are still a small number of homo######ual and bi######ual ######ual orientation ######ual orientation or religious beliefs were forced by the pressure of the family tells Doctor for help, trying to find the so-called The But in fact, because same-###### ######ual orientation is not the disease itself, and thus does not require treatment, and also can not be changed. Of course, not all tells Doctor for help homo######uals change their ######ual orientation are requested, some of them hope in his Many of them are actually looking for a psychiatrist because of itself is straight, they have been proposed so-called treatment. Q: What is the Strictly speaking, the existence of these reports related to many problems, so the result is not convincing. For example, a large number of such reports come from some anti-gay organization. And their reports have a noticeable lack of sufficient evidence to support it. For example, none of these reports follow-up study on the treatment of objects, but only in the outside world after the intervention proved effective immediately terminated. American Psychological Association for the therapies themselves and they are very concerned about the potential hazards. Psychological Society Conference in 1997 adopted a resolution on behalf of, found hate psychologically harmful to patients treatment, and violated the treatment received by the power of unbiased treatment and voluntary power. And identify any changes in these therapies on the ######ual orientation of people has the right to receive professional, social prejudice and discrimination-free treatment. Q: same-###### ######ual orientation is a mental illness or emotional problems? A: No. Psychologists, psychiatrists and other mental health experts agree that homo######ual orientation is not a disease, mental disorder or emotional problems. One lasted 35 years, objective, rational design of scientific research results show that the same-###### ######ual orientation and mental disorder in itself, not associated with emotional and social problems. They are considered a gay former mental illness because mental health experts and the information received is biased. In the past, same-###### ######ual orientation of men and women and bi######ual tendencies in the study, the study of people receiving treatment only, the study's conclusions may create biases. When the researchers investigated the treatment of people who do not soon after the discovery of homo######uality is a mental illness point of view is not correct. American Psychiatric Association in 1973 confirmed the new, well-designed studies, and from the official list of mental and emotional disorders in addition to same-###### ######ual orientation a go. Two years later, the American Psychological Association adopted a resolution in support of the decision. 25 years, the two associations has been to promote all of the mental health experts to help dispel the homo######ual mental illness and the stigma associated with ######ual orientation. Q: lesbian, gay and bi######ual men may be qualified parents? A: Yes. Comparative study of ######ual orientation from homo######ual and hetero######ual ######ual orientation of children raised by parents groups, the four evaluation indicators: intelligence, psychological adjustment ability, social regulation and the degree of intimacy with friends, two children found no difference in growth . It is also important,louboutin sale, and the ######ual orientation of parents does not affect a child's ######ual orientation. Many people are wrong to believe that male homo######ual tendencies tendency than hetero######ual men were more inclined to ######ual abuse of children. In fact there is no evidence that the former than the latter is more likely to have ######ually abused children. Q: Why do some gay men who, lesbians and bi######uals will tell other people their ######ual orientation? A: Because these areas to share with others information about their mental health is very important. In fact, the men, lesbians and bi######uals cognitive processes of self-identity (called Men, lesbians and bi######uals on the more positive self-identity, their mental health will be better and stronger self-esteem. Q: Why do some male and female homo######ual tendencies bi######ual tendencies and A: For some men, lesbians and bi######uals out of the closet very difficult process, while others do not. Often gay, lesbian and bi######ual people in the first aware of their ######ual orientation and social norms are often different times of fear, abnormal and loneliness, especially in childhood and adolescence aware of their male ######ual orientation, lesbian and bi######ual people, this is very common. And because the reasons for the family and living environment, they may struggle in pain among the prejudice and discrimination. Children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable to harmful prejudices and traditional damage. They also fear by family, friends, colleagues and religious abandoned. Some gay people worry about being aware of their ######ual orientation will lose their jobs or become unpopular in school. Unfortunately, the gay, lesbian and bi######uals than hetero######uals are more vulnerable to physical attacks. 90 A study conducted in California to participate in the study showed that nearly one-fifth of lesbians and gay men more than a quarter of their ######ual orientation had one been subjected to persecution. In another study conducted in California, surveyed nearly 500 young adults, half of gay men surveyed admitted being collected from insults to physical assault, such as different degrees of anti-homo######ual behavior. Q: In order to overcome the gay, lesbian and bi######ual people of prejudice and discrimination can be done? A: The study found that gay, lesbian and bi######ual people have the most positive attitude usually know more than one male, lesbian and bi######ual people, usually friends or colleagues. Therefore, psychologists believe negative attitudes among gay bias from repeated the baseless assertion, rather than actual experience. In addition, violence and discrimination against the importance of other minority groups as well. Some states put the individual acts of violence, including ######ual orientation in the Q: Why is introduced to the public knowledge about same-###### ######ual orientation is very important? A: Tell the public about ######ual orientation and same-###### ######ual orientation, the correct knowledge to effectively reduce discrimination against homo######uals is very helpful. Same-###### ######ual orientation on the correct information for those who are lost in self, in the adolescent ######uality of young people find themselves (regardless of what kind of ######ual orientation, homo######ual, hetero######ual or bi######ual), especially important. For some people harbor such information will contact more people to become homo######uals worry, you can say that this is completely wrong and unnecessary. Knowledge of same-###### ######ual orientation does not make a person a homo######ual or hetero######ual. Q: Are all of the homo######uals and bi######uals are HIV infected? A: No. This is a lot of people hold a very absurd point of view. In fact, the risk of HIV infection is associated with an individual behavior, and ######ual orientation has nothing to do. AIDs prevention of HIV infection or infection is the most critical security on ######ual behavior and not drug abuse. Homo######uality and the LES are no scientific meaning of words. Literally, homo######uality, said two of the same ###### love. However, if a person had never been in love, then he is nothing yet? In fact, scientists do not use the two words gay and LES, but with So, what is ######ual orientation? What is ######ual orientation? A person's heart can not help but feel the ###### of the person from a particular attraction, which attracts an integrated manner as follows: emotional and ######ual impulses. Simply put, this is being attracted, there is sure to However, this attraction is not for a passive person, but to be . ######ual orientation refers to being with their same ###### attraction. (Men are attracted to men, women are attracted to women.) Is to attract more than say, with love, love, appreciation, and so these words are not related. - Love the motherland and the people, mom and dad, love Elder Brother brother, sister, sister love, which also has nothing to do with the attraction. As a person, you can love different people, and even gender are all different; but if it is that love, then If a person's ######ual orientation is hetero######ual, homo######ual feelings that he can only be friends, absolutely can not be true love. In turn, the situation is the same. Also worth mentioning is: what kind of person is attracted to be attracted to people what ###### it is not that they can control. So, ######ual orientation is immutable. In other words, a person's ######ual orientation in his (her) life is only one, either ######ual orientation, or hetero######ual orientation, and then, or is the double ######ual orientation. According to scientific statistics, ######ual orientation in the proportion of the population is 3-5%, that is, on average, 100 people inside at least 3 people are homo######ual tendencies. So, homo######ual tendencies everywhere, you will always encounter, but do not know who is and who is not! Although some people's ######ual orientation is homo######ual, but he sees is from small to large He felt that homo######uality is not normal, and only hetero######uality was normal. Strictly speaking, the real gay, is that a person's ######ual orientation as homo######ual, and he himself can well accept this fact. In 2001 the third edition of The American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association, in 1973, homo######ual acts will be removed from the disease classification system. May 17, 1990, the World Health Organization also to remove homo######uality from the list of mental illness. In some European countries, gay marriage has been publicly registered, and enjoy exactly the same rights hetero######uals. There are a number of psychologists in our country to make money, to the treatment of homo######uality. If you are in a foreign country, then they would have a medical license revoked. In addition to humans, in many animal populations, there is the phenomenon of homo######uality. At present, the biologists found animals have more than two thousand kinds of homo######uality. For example, penguins, elephants, goats, pigs, monkeys and more. I say that in these animals, there is homo######uality; not to say that they are all gay. They survive on Earth do not know how many years, but homo######uality is still there, and not by nature out of ... ... shows that homo######uality did not violate the laws of nature. In human society since ancient times,christian louboutin sale, there are also gay. Even the In recent years, some foreign scientists found that ######ual orientation is innate, or at an early age has been formed. This conclusion supported by most scientists. The formation of ######ual orientation and being aware of his own, are two different concepts. No one is born knowing what ######ual orientation. Although some people's ######ual orientation is homo######ual, but they are all from small to large to see straight, do not know how to be considered gay, but do not know is gay. Discrimination against homo######uality in China, the social environment, many people experienced a lot of things, with a very long time before they realize the truth of their own tendencies. Some people even to the 50 old realized. Rational view of the LES [2] les is a complex social phenomenon. Many people do not understand the secret and the world, resulting in misunderstanding and even hatred are normal. les psychology has its natural, it has been recognized by a growing number of psychologists. People often les as mental illness, ######ual perversion, ######ual perversion, in fact, their mind is completely normal. A century ago, les has been considered to be evil Christian homo######ual ###### is condemned as evil, and in some European countries, including Britain, were unlawful. Les of the first case on case studies published in the United States in 1879, opened a prelude to human studies of les. During this period, many experts with les is considered a perversion of gender identity, or the reverse. Expert concluded: For the want to do a man's woman, man or woman want to do, les relations are as close to a normal hetero######ual emotional effort. Today, les, hetero######ual and bi######ual, are considered exist in the ######ual orientation is considered to be: However, les are, after all, are ######ual minorities, their ######ual object incompatible with traditional social patterns. When the Law and Society about customs reflect the will of the majority or the ruler with the intent of the discrimination and persecution les are inevitable. Therefore, to eliminate discrimination in public les who mainly rely on universal education, which have both emotional care,red sole shoes, but also a rational judgments. In short, les is a complex problem of human society, the resulting dispute is with the open society generated. From a single individual rights, or social ethics, or psychology, or the natural law can not define exactly les behavior. This dispute will perpetuate the conclusions we have done just the right stage. In fact the mainstream of society has a conservative nature, the very conservative nature of the stable development of social protection, the exclusion of the impetuous course of human development and undesirable phenomenon. The existence of certain things has its inevitability, we can not determine the merits and demerits of the case, but cautious attitude of mutual respect is correct. Many people are very curious les populations, in general, they are no different to hetero######ual groups, as this since it is But they have something in common: their talents in the ordinary people on average (see Ai-Li Shi survey), some of them quite high. Some people, especially art music has a deep literacy. Music fine arts crowd, les than the ratio of the proportion of other gay groups. Les countless celebrities in history. Many people do not understand Plato's so-called If you know a particular aspect of its meaning refers to les, this is not difficult to understand. The most famous Italian Renaissance artists, engineers, scientists, philosophers and inventors Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo and his contemporaries are les, Michelangelo had a passionate love called Cavalieri in the young nobles, their romance almost the whole city is well known. Cavalieri, later wrote, The great British philosopher Francis Bacon, who is considered to be les. Les Wilde was well known, he was independent because of his mettle in prison. Support Wagner has les tendency Ludwig II and the butler killed both committed suicide. Cocteau, French writer is bi######ual. American poet Walt Whitman, and Dickinson was almost certainly les, many so-called orthodox position to support themselves clear evidence of actually turning a blind eye to many. The same thing happened in the Russian composer Tchaikovsky big body, his nephew and forced to commit suicide because of love, but the music and many historians prefer to accept the flawed records that he died of cholera. Par with the great conductor Herbert von Karajan Bernstein had been living together with their teachers Copeland. In addition, the writer Virginia Woolf, also have this tendency. Master of contemporary French philosophy of Foucault, who is open les. Les British mathematician Turing is persecuted because of ineffective treatment, early death, he was known as the father of computer science. Comrade relatively rare in politicians, because the specific dictates of this career. However, I know, Israel, Tel Aviv mayor and one of Australia's Justice (can not remember the name) is a publicly acknowledged their ######ual orientation. In China, not to mention the emperor's Actors dynasties, it is almost endless list. Many people know the story of Emperor Qianlong and the and, but did not find one of the les means. In particular, the emperor and the minions to know eunuchs, this means that is very strong. Zhou Ding Wang Republic of China Guangzhou Jin Lanqi organizations like the woman is also a place of such deep meaning. Speaking of the East, contemporary Leslie Cheung and Pai Hsien-yung, the two openly gay love their own, and his noble personality has long been respected by society. Further east, in Japan there was a les Kawabata Yasunari university situation, to Yukio Mishima, les is obvious that exposed the. These are and place of birth, school,cheap christian louboutin, as commonplace. Analysis to determine solutions to current and ancient family les favoritism friends favoritism favoritism and same-###### friendship talent to distinguish, there is favoritism out of the basic nature of instinct rather than on the external ######ual orientation.
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