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Old 05-10-2011, 05:58 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,492
haxhklm2x8 is on a distinguished road
Default 75岁日本老人在南京烈日下长跪绝食谢罪 黑客qq:190546

  “你好!”老人很热情,每见到小朋友就用很不流利的中文打招呼,可是孩子们显然被这奇怪的装束吓住了, 躲开或者跑开,但是他似乎并不在意,步子很小,却飞快地往前挪着,走到“墓地广场”前,他停住了:“这是我 以前绝食谢罪的地方……日军南京大屠杀杀害了30多万中国人,虽然我没有参与过战争,但我也是日本戴罪之身 ,我应该来南京谢罪,替那些曾经迫害中国人的日本人谢罪,为那些在屠杀中殉难的南京人祈祷。”

  “长明火在燃烧中无言地向您诉说,逝去的生命要用‘祭’的方式来慰藉。”老人掏钱买了一包香,沿着唯一 的通道向长明火走去,弯腰点燃,香火袅袅地散开。

  老人说,本来今天起他准备在江东门纪念馆绝食谢罪三天,但因为该馆3日闭馆,“所以我提前一天结束前往 下一站重庆。”他强调,自己还会再来南京,“我已经老了,体力不行了,但只要我活着,这就是我必须做的事情 。这样,我的生命才有意义。”他希望中日两国世代友好,智能手机窃听器软件

  “我去买水果,一位推着自行车的女士给我掏了钱;在天津的一个小饭店吃饭,也有人给我付了餐费……走到 哪个城市都感觉有亲情,2005年,我在南京江东门纪念馆绝食谢罪时,有人给我送来水和饮料,有人劝我身体 重要,不要绝食……得到中国人民的支持,我太高兴了。我希望被媒体关注,我希望更多的人知道我做的事,希望 日本人知道我在干什么,我谢罪还有一个目的,就是让日本的青年人看到,连一个75岁的老人都可以承认历史的 错误,并且用实际行动来忏悔那段历史,为什么年轻人不可以?”



  老人经济并不富裕,可是“谢罪之旅”却是他自掏腰包,“我有1个姐姐,2个哥哥,3个妹妹,基本上是他 们在资助我,另外还有一些朋友,特别是我以前工作过的一个银行老板,他特别喜欢中国,因此给我的帮助也最多 。”

  老人旁若无人地喃喃自语着:“作为一个日本人,南京私家侦探,我必须来这儿。我要为侵华日军在战争中的罪行向中国人民道歉。”他说,这两天他都要来这里,“绝食,谢罪 !”烈日下,手机监听器哪里买,半个小时,他就这么坐着,汗水顺着眼角往下淌。
  至于为什么谢罪时要绝食,岩田隆造说:“绝食是佛教的一种修行方式,在之前一周开始减少进食,而在绝食 期间只饮水和吃水果。”
  岩田隆造1936年出生在中国台北,9岁时随母亲回到日本,与那场残酷的战争并无直接关系。他对于日本 政府当年发动侵华战争的了解,也大多来自于历史教科书。
  这是岩田隆造第三次来南京,第一次是2005年。“以后还要来,直到我走不动,我一定要让更多的日本人 知道这一段历史,湖北窃听器价格。”
  上好香后,老人从肩上卸下包,放在两侧,然后捡起一块小石子压住被风吹起的“谢罪”布角,掏出“太鼓” ,脱下球鞋,面对“奠”字长跪磕头。四五分钟后,打坐,手敲“太鼓”,口念佛经,为南京大屠杀30万遇难同 胞祈祷。


  现在网消息 身披僧袍,手持一个写满经文的“太鼓”,北京窃听器,左右肩膀分别挎着两个大布袋,上面写着大大的“谢罪”二字,背着的书包上则别着写有“中日友好”字样的白 布……
  “这个十字架是有的,这个铜板路是有的……这个以前好像没有……”老人很健谈,边走边嘀咕着。黑色的石 块排立,到了祭场,黑色的背景墙上悬挂着一块金底黑字的“奠”字。

  哈尔滨、沈阳……北京、天津、南京,昨天,岩田隆造从包里掏出一块写有汶川大地震字样的白布,“这是我 的最后一站。”
  迈着小碎步,75岁的日本僧人岩田隆造昨天刚踏进侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆就吸引了无数人的目 光。

  “背着它,在南京的任何一个角落,我就是要告诉大家我是来谢罪的。”走在热闹的街头,岩田隆造不时地拉 扯一下甩到身后的包,刻意把他调到腰的两侧,“这样,看得最清楚。”


  老人喜欢被关注。“带摄影机了吗?”“要采访吗?”……他说,他希望中国人知道他做的事,更希望日本人 知道他做的事,“中日友好,这是我一生的追求。”



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Old 05-10-2011, 06:10 AM   #2
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Back to the hostel Huang Yan left I forgot to knock on the door just a push into the door I heard screaming coming from inside the text seems to be the voice of youth. This is a very high decibel sound surprised me screaming so loudly my ears ringing buzzing closer look and saw my young body text was standing there ########## Tory Burch flats, only wrapped in a towel. Probably she just showered, returned from the bathroom through the bedroom, living room did not expect but was I saw. Wen I was young attracted by the charming figure with due courtesy even forgot it so blankly at the door even forgot to close the doors. Stay green paper also enjoy the screaming throngs. I have a problems or a nervous thing happened so fast my body will become stiff lose the ability to act as excited about this medicine, said before the syndrome. Rigid body size and the extent of the stimulation I was proportional to the stimulus was too strong today, I met the rigid body ever to achieve the maximum degree of a move did not move. The voice of a woman s scream of terror I've heard people say this is just a taste of her amazing charm really is extraordinary. Fortunately, my body can not move otherwise have been just such a decibel noise would surely go I launched from the house but I have some blame Youth Literary shower doors do not plug it in fact happened today and do not want me. Another would like to come to understand about boys in the girls inside the building so it did not forget to plug the door bar. My side Rolex for sale, imagined. Green Man is the first to react louboutin sale, skimming the body side leg to my foot. Bang. My chest was heavy foot green text I was kicked from the entrance corridor and then roll all the way across the quarters with the door hit a huge impact on hit the door open to turn into it. Green paper slammed the door shut up. I hit into the dorm room that a girl is reading to see the way I was terrified of her startled her mouth at me. My body simply no way to move rigid was lying on the ground barely hanging on waiting for their recovery. That girl was finally relieved the pressure of cross to me with trembling fingers Q: Who do you want? Twisting girl with her shaking as she made my heart speed up a lot of heart and sighed: Legend of the rough is really bad worse. Then I finally restored my body stood up activities struggled a bit clumsy apology and said: The students I'm sorry I ask you to forgive the wrong door it is sorry. Huarong is probably my pale girl's face expression of pity. I'm kind of a slowly moving team of girls stare back out. The girl was polite to me to the door: free little sister does not matter I used to come to play a very boring person. My name is Ai ripples you? Well my name is Su Fei will come to you I went to a busy bar. I responded to an open love girl smile gratefully said. Outside the room I shut the door for her. Huang Yan's dormitory door stood a long breath I want to be out the door but stopped after less than three minutes I heard there is no abnormal movement was cautiously knocked on the door. Huang Yan said in it: a Soviet Come Fly fast. This boldly on I cautiously opened the door and went inside. Huang Yan is only one enemy in the living room but no visible blue text in the bedroom it is probably relieved to be honest I'm really afraid I do see the green text. When you want to close just turned around his neck while I just felt cold. Green Man standing behind me with a strange knife in the top of my neck. I'm surprised no one dared to touch I know kung fu blue text in front of her I was very aware of their high or low. Green Man cold Q: Why do not you just knock on the door? I stammered speechless too difficult to answer this question why do not you knock on the door did not so many pieces I was just thinking about what the rest rushed into the rest have not thought so, but I do not believe the text will answer it Green ? Green paper also snapped Q: You just see what you better say it obediently blame me otherwise You're welcome. I asked the question before the mind stammered: Green Man you put the knife to get open so we took the words to say in case you missed the green paper on the bad that knife is sharp you unhappy? Where did you buy can you tell me I want to buy one to use. Green Man Lengheng a cry of a knife stab to move out of my neck just felt a sharp pain came immediately in a cold sweat. Green Man minus thirty degrees with the voice said: Why not come knocking at the door? I am upset to say: I was anxious to come in and forget it is the women's dormitory next time I'll be sure to note the door knock. I beg you let me. Knife and pierce the bleeding point I'll probably think I was afraid of it. Green Man's voice still cold: It seems you want to have the next time you really want to live Vibram Five Fingers uk, and your nonsense so much I hate you Coach bags, you know? Green Man punched in my playing I Menheng a cry almost spit blood Zhenhen this girl also. I differentiate Road: I really do not see any let me beg you. Huang Yan came up and said: Do not Knock green paper boats scare.
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