Hello Readers,Many of you have posted comments on our previous posts asking for help with specific features or questions with Outlook 2010. While we enjoy hearing your thoughts about Outlook, we cannot support individual users via blog comments.That’s why we want to introduce you to answers.microsoft.com,
Office 2010 Professional, a community forum where you can post questions and receive responses from other users,
Windows 7 Home Premium, Microsoft MVPs, and support personnel. Best of all,
Office 2010 Key, support from answers.microsoft.com is free!If you’re an Outlook expert, test your skills by answering other users’ questions on answers.microsoft.com. If you have questions about Outlook or Microsoft Office, check out the answers forum to see if other people have asked your question,
Windows 7 Ultimate, or ask your own. You can also find forums for other Microsoft products such as Windows,
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007, Security Essentials, or Windows Phone. We hope you find the answers forum a useful reference!Josh MeiselsOutlook Program Manager <div