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Old 05-24-2011, 07:04 AM   #1
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Default 入门宜有三不见:

  1、开门见灶。《阳宅集成》云:“开门见灶,钱财多耗”。既入门、见到灶,火气冲天,令财 气无奈进入。
  2、开门见厕。一进大门就见到厕所,则如同秽气迎人,这里有个“晏子使楚”的典故:年龄时,齐国大夫晏 平仲奉命出使楚国,楚王看他个子矮小,居心要戏弄他,下令不让他从高大的城门通行,而在城门旁挖了个狗洞让 他进入。成果极具智慧的晏子见状就说:“如果我是到人国访问,就请让我走人洞;如果我是到狗国拜访,那我就 帮凶洞。”搞得楚王十分为难。进门见厕就同此理。
    1、横梁压门,如一进门既受压抑,则主家中人丁无法出人头地,一世寄人篱下、郁郁不得志,压制毕生 ,此乃大忌也。
    2、大门做成拱形门,则状诺墓碑,相似阴宅,很不吉利,这种情况在家居装饰中时有所见,特殊需要避 忌。
    金命大门吉祥色  白、金、银、青、绿、黄、褐
    木命大门吉祥色  青、绿、黄、褐、灰、蓝、
    水命大门吉祥色  灰、蓝、红、橙、白、金、银
    火命大门吉祥色  红、橙、白、金、银、青、绿
    土命大门吉祥色  黄、褐、灰、蓝、红、橙、紫
    大门的尺寸与屋子成比例,不可门大宅小,亦不可宅大门小,同时,大门是一家的体面,宜新不宜旧,大 门如有破损,应即时改换。
  应用好门的功效,可认为、家中催财及招财。大门的方位可以说是控制财运的命根子,而最简略的催财方式就 是在门旁摆水,所谓“山主人丁水主财”,有水的处所便能施展财气的作用。除了水之外,所有水种植物及插花都 有催财的作用,只有放在大门口四周便能生效。
  门槛原指门下的横木,中国传统住宅的大门进口处必有门槛,人们 进出大门均要跨过门槛,起到缓冲步调,拦阻外力的作用。古时的门槛高与膝齐,现在的门槛已不这么高,大概只 有一寸左右,除了用木材制造外,也有用窄长形石条的,固定在铁闸与大门之间的地上。
  门槛还明白地将住宅与外界分隔开来,同时,门槛即可挡风防尘又可把各类爬虫拒之门外,因此实用价值很大 ,对阻拦外部不利因素及预防财气外泄均有必定的作用,对住宅风水颇具重要性。
  安置门槛需要注意的是:门槛的颜色要与大门的颜色配合并且应严防断裂,门槛如断裂,便犹如屋中大梁断裂 一样,主凶。门槛完全则宅气畅顺,断裂则运滞,因此门槛如断裂,必须及早更换。
  玄关在佛教中被称为入道之门。佛经云:“玄关大启,正眼流畅而在住宅构造中,玄关则特指居所的外门,是 进出屋宇的必经之地是亚洲传统建造的主要组成局部。
  要最有效地发挥玄关的作用,必须看重玄关的组成部门在风水上的各种宜忌。这重要有以下八大 重点:
  天花板宜高不宜低:玄关顶上的天花板若是太低,具备压迫感,这在风水上属于不吉之兆,象征这家人备受压 迫挚肘,难有出头。天花板高,则玄关空气流通较为舒服,对住宅的气运也大有裨益。
  天花色调宜清不宜重:玄关顶上天花板的颜色不宜太深,如果天花板的颜色比地板深,这便构成上重下轻,翻 天覆地的格式,象征这家人长幼失序,上下不睦。而天花板的颜色较地板的颜色浅,上轻下重,这才 是畸形之象。
  天花灯宜方圆而忌三角:玄关顶上的灯饰排列,宜圆方却不宜三角形。有人喜欢把数盏筒灯或射灯安装在玄关 顶上来照明,这是不错的布置,但如把三盏灯布成三角形,那便会弄巧成拙,造成“三枝倒插香”的局势,对家居 很不利。倘若排列成方形或圆形,则不成问题,因圆形象征团聚,而方形则象征方正安稳。
    墙壁间格应下实上虚:面对大门的玄关,下半部宜以砖墙或木板作为根基,扎实慎重,而上半部则可用玻 璃来装饰,以通透而不漏最理想。
    玄关若不以墙来作间格,用低柜来取代也形,其上抉择玻璃或通透的木架来装饰。低柜可用作鞋柜或杂物 柜,上面则可镶磨砂玻璃,这样既雅观适用同时合乎下实上虚之道。必须留神的是,玻璃不同镜子,会反射的镜子 通常不可面向大门,因为会将家中财气反射出去,但磨砂玻璃则无此顾虑。
  墙壁颜色须深浅适中:玄关的墙壁间格无论是木板、砖墙或是石材,选用的颜色均不宜太深,以免令玄关看起 来朝气沉沉,没有活气。而最理想的颜色组合是,位于顶部的天花板颜色最浅,位于底部的地板颜色最深,而位于 中间的墙壁颜色则介于这两者之间,作为高低的协调与适度。
  墙壁距离宜平滑:玄关是住宅进出的主要通道,墙壁及地板平滑则气流利通无阻。如果以凸出的石块作为玄关 装饰,凹凸不平,则宅运便会有诸多阻滞,必须尽量避免。
  玄关的地板宜平坦:地板平整可令宅运畅顺,而且也可避免失足摔跤。同时,玄关的地板宜尽量坚持程度,不 应有高下上下之分。
  玄关的地板颜色宜较深厚:深色象征厚重,地板色深象征基础深沉,吻合风水之道。如果求晶莹 一些,supra footwear,则可用深色石料四围包边,而中间部分采用较浅色的石材。
  玄关地板的图案忌有尖角冲门:玄关地板的图案名堂繁多,但均应以选择寄意吉祥的内容。必须避免选用那些 多尖角的图案,而尖角冲门则更相对不宜,以免家口不宁,惹无妄之灾。
  玄关地板的木纹不宜直冲大门:玄关的木地板,不管何种木料,其排列均应令木纹斜向屋内,如流水斜流入屋 ,但是木纹切勿直冲大门,如直冲则不吉。
  玄关的地板忌太光滑:有些人家为了丑化玄关,往往会把玄关的地板打磨得非常润滑,这及易画蛇添足,单从 家居保险角度来说并不幻想,由于家人或宾客均轻易滑倒受伤。
  地下排水管也不宜跨过大门和玄关之间,以免财水内外交换时,在玄关受污,导致家人健康不佳 ,财路不顺。
  在玄关放置鞋柜,是牵强附会的事,因为无论是主客在此处调换鞋子均十分便利。而且“鞋”与谐同音,有协 调、好合之意,并且鞋必是成双成队,这是很有意思的,supra 2010,家庭最须要跟谐好合,因此入门见鞋很吉祥。但虽然如斯,在玄关放置鞋柜仍有一些方面需要注意 。
  鞋柜不宜太高大:鞋桂的高度不宜超过户主身高,若是超过这标准便不妥。鞋柜的面积宜小不宜大,宜矮不宜 高。
  鞋子宜藏不宜露:鞋柜宜有门,倘若鞋子乌七八糟地堆放而又无门遮蔽,便十分有碍观瞻。有些在玄关布置奇 妙的鞋柜很典雅天然,因为有门讳饰,所以从外边看,一点也看不出它是鞋柜,这才契合归藏于密之 道。
  鞋头宜向上而不宜向下:鞋柜内的层架大多倾斜,在摆放鞋子入内时,鞋头必须向上,这有步步高升的象征; 若是鞋头向下,就意味着会走下坡路。
  鞋柜宜侧不宜中:鞋柜虽然实用,但却难登大雅之堂,因此除了以上所提及的几点之外,还要注意宜侧不宜中 ,既指鞋柜不宜摆放在正中,最好把它向两旁移开一些,分开中央的焦点位置。
  现代有良多人在家中供奉神祗,以期祖宗庇佑,健康长命,招财进宝。但在现代布局的房子中摆放传统的神台 ,会显得心心相印,若要肃清这种抵触,便要采用就地取材的布局方法。
  地主是家居最常常供奉的神祗之一,其余的神祗尚可移入屋内其他较隐藏的角落,但地主必须当门而立,因为 地主的正名是“五方五土龙神,前后地主财神”,应当面向大门,向门外四方纳财,这样才可加强住宅的财运。地 主并且还是住宅的守护神,当门而立,便可把牛鬼蛇神拒诸门外。
  地主最佳的摆放办法,是把神位独自供奉在面向大门的玄关地柜中,那便既不太背眼而又不失地主应该向门而 立的准则。因为地主自古以来,长期供奉在地面,就算摆在鞋柜旁边,逐日人来人往,也没有任何问 题,watch armani
  地柜可用作鞋柜或杂物柜,为了要与邻近的环境配合,外部的颜色能够随便,但地主神柜的内部必须采取漆上 金点的红色。
  至于文财神则不宜摆放在玄关向门之处。财神分文武两种,武财神如武圣关公及伏虎元帅赵公明,均当门而破 ,但福禄寿三星及财帛星君等文财神若是面向大门,便会把家中钱财向宅外布施,那就会弄巧成拙。因此文财神既 使摆放在玄关,也必须面向宅内,切勿面向大门,免得钱财外泄。文财神面向宅内,是因为这样可引财入室但必须 警惕切勿面向厕所或鱼缸,以免固然引财入室,但却往往见财化水。
  因为玄关是家庭访客进到室内后发生第一印象的地域,因此摆放的室内植物占领重要的作用。大型植物加照明 、有型有款的树木及盛开的兰花盆栽组合等设计,都实用于玄关。如碰到玄关光芒不佳、遭遇穿堂风的吹袭、夜晚 温度下降、走道狭小或少有方形或长方形的空间,则置通的开花植物会比状态特别的植物来得合适,swissreplicawatches。另外,玄关与客厅之间可以斟酌摆设同品种的植物,以便于衔接这两个空间 。
  玄关摆放植物,绿化室内环境,增添赌气,令吉者更吉,凶者反凶为吉。但是必须注意的是,摆入在玄关的植 物,宜以赏叶的长绿植物为主,例如铁树、发财树、黄金葛及赏叶榕等等。而有刺的植物如神仙掌类及玫瑰、杜鹃 等切勿放在玄关处,以免破坏那里的风水,而且玄关植物必须保持长青,若有枯黄,就要尽快更换。
  因为玄关位居冲要,对宅运大有影响,因此,摆放在此处的饰物要当心,以免无意中损坏了住宅风水。古人多 摆放狮子、麒麟这些 存在灵性的猛兽在门口镇守,作为住宅的守护神。
  古代住宅如果摆放狮子或麒麟在屋外,往往回2受到诸多限度,退而求其次,则可摆入在玄关内面向大门之处 ,同样也可收守护之效。
  而不少人家爱好在玄关摆放动物造型的工艺品,作为装潢摆设,但应谨记不可与户主的生肖相冲,以免有入门 犯冲之虞。
  生肖属鼠忌马 生肖属马忌鼠
  生肖属牛忌羊 生肖属羊忌牛
  生肖属虎忌侯 生肖属侯忌虎
  生肖属兔忌鸡 生肖属鸡忌兔
  生肖属龙忌狗 生肖属狗忌龙
  生肖属蛇忌猪 生肖属猪忌蛇
  通常住宅在玄关安镜可作为进出时收拾仪表之用,而且也可令玄关看来显得更加广阔亮堂一些。但若是镜子无 故对正大门,则绝对不妥善,因为镜片有反射作用,会把从大门流人的旺气及财气
  玄关顶上也不宜张贴镜片,玄关顶上的天花若以镜片砌成,一进门举头就可看到本人的倒影,便有头下脚上, 乾坤倒置之感,
  东向五行属木,乃木气当旺之地,依照五行生克实践,木克土为财,这既是说土乃木之财,而黄色是“土”的 代表色:故此客厅若是向东,在取舍客厅用的油漆、墙纸、沙发时,宜选用黄色的颜色系列,深浅均可,只要采用 这种颜色,可收旺财之效。
  南向五行属火,乃火气当旺之地,按照五行生克理论,火克金为财,故此若要生旺向南客厅的财气,选用的油 漆、墙纸及沙发均宜以白色为首选,因为白色是“金”的代表色。南窗虽有熏风吹拂而较清凉,然而,南方始终乃 火旺之地,若是采用白色这类冷色来布置,则可有效消减炽热的火气。
  西方五行属金,乃金气当旺之地,金克木为财,这既是说木乃金之财,而绿色乃是木的代表色,故此向西的客 厅若是用这种色彩作为安排可收旺财之效。
  并且向西的客厅下战书西照的阳光甚为强烈,岂但炎热,而且扎眼,所以用较轻淡而又可护目养眼的绿色,十 分合适。
  北方五行属水,乃水气当旺之地,而水克火为财,因此若要生旺向北客厅的财气,便应选用似火的红色、紫色 、及粉红色,无论、客厅内的墙纸、沙发椅以及地毯均以这三种颜色为首选。并且从生理角度方面来考虑,冬天冬 风凛冽,向北的客厅较为严寒,ghd iv styler hair straightener - mark 4,故此不宜用蓝色、灰色及白色这些冷色,若是采用似火的红紫色,则可增加暖和的感到。
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Old 05-24-2011, 07:07 AM   #2
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 09:27 on June 8th, 2010 Read (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: Personal Diary

wife does not let his wife play it cool
jealous quarrel
wife hit me first give
hold on
wife to 3 from:
1, never washing;
2, never cook;
3, never trailing.
husband to be;
1, my wife had to wait for makeup;
2, his wife must be willing to spend money;
3, angry wife to put up with;
4, his wife would be flatter.
new family rules and family rules
one: his wife a good amount of water when bathing,エアマックスプラス, scratching Cabei; prohibited behavior just for the sake desires.
house rules of the two: the courage to pay when his wife shopping, and more are encouraged; prohibited reluctant behavior.
house rules of three: his wife was full of praise when the meal, eat bowls; not have picked vegetables, small range of behavior.
The fourth house rules : fan summer when his wife slept, winter was warm; may not have been robbed of snoring behavior.
house rules of five: his wife tearfully grateful when give money, live frugally; not have extravagant and wasteful behavior. Six
house rules: boring wife when glass slide, entertainment pro Technicolor Dreamcoat; not have no so-called behavior. Seven of
house rules: snapping hands when his wife admonished, standing at attention; not have absent-minded behavior.
house rules of the eight: his wife made a mistake taking the blame and self-blame, self embrace to bear the blame; not have hurt the small beginning of the act.
nine house rules: his wife when Zhuixinqixue sad , distraught; prohibited behavior, smiling.
Tenth house rules: be patient when his wife comes home late, delighted to right; not have angry behavior.
Eleventh house rules: when the wife is not dreaming, Shoushenruyu; not have the sly behavior.
second house rules: happy when his wife decorated, celebration; may not have splashed cold water on the act. Thirteen
house rules: when sleep through the night accompanied by his wife, help a few sheep; behavior may not have dreamed of the Duke of Zhou.
fourth house rules: provide a way when his wife attaining,エアマックス95 ブラック, to defy the law; behavior may not have laughed.
fifth house rules: when my wife singing like a spring breeze, amazed; not have Renxiao can not help but act.
sixteen house rules: when his wife would kneel down for mercy, pleading for mercy; shall not ignore the behavior.
seventh house rules: when my wife hit me any of the ravaged, Xiezhu Long Yan; behavior may not have to fight back stare.
eighth house rules: his wife to help with the reading exam, mark your focus; not something to do with our own behavior .
nineteenth house rules: when my wife nodded speech Otherwise, agree; behavior may not have easy to read rebuttal. Twenty
house rules: when questioning his wife vowed to swear, as a loyal; not a casual act.
twenty-one house rules: when driving my wife taught in speaking, release the tension; prohibited behavior by its complicated interference.
house rules twenty-two: kiss my wife when excited, and seek to sell well, regardless of the behavior may not have articulate.
two or three house rules: anything and everything when his wife Lin Xing, perseverance; not a powerless act.
twenty-four house rules: when my wife not to go belly tears flow, their own solutions; no money in the trading behavior.
love my wife Declaration
1. husband wife mind only one person, but also dream dream wife
2. husband not allowed to criticize his wife, beat his wife, kicking his wife, pinched his wife, bullying wife
3. wife hit her husband, her husband can not fight back
4. husband wife always say the most beautiful, most adorable
5. not to mention her husband in front of his wife another woman
6. My husband can not say that ugly old wife
7. My husband can not leave his wife, not his wife
8. husband QQ Information write in the name of his wife,エアマックス ライト, can not write other people's names and QQ number.
9. wife more important than her husband's sister
10. her husband's fingernails should be clean
11. wife, husband not allowed to color
12. husband wife must listen to the words of
13. wife can only have one true love my husband
14. At school,A Dying Man's Favorite Cookies, her husband can not ignore his wife
15. wife happy, husband also happy, sad wife, husband, wife Yaohong
16. My husband does not allow others said before his wife's ill
17. My husband can not fool around with other women, I'm sorry my wife can not do the things
18. another woman and her husband take the initiative to talk to her husband can not
19. wife is what her husband must give
20. her husband to be good, can not help but listen
21. his wife's family, friends, husband to be good for them
22. husband and another woman is not allowed to send text messages, phone calls
23. her husband anything,エアマックス, can not write or paste the name of another woman. Photo so
24. husband than his wife early from school, her husband will have to wait for his wife
25. wife Send PM to her husband, her husband can not not go back
peace agreement after marriage
family discipline, to re-maintain the normal order of the family, norms of family life her husband is formulated Trial details are as follows:
one, to love his wife, firmly support his wife, to obey his wife's leadership.
Second, strict compliance schedule, getting up at 6 am, make breakfast (food standard 5 yuan / person), non-delay , lazy, eat, and deductions for food; 23:30 after sleep, before going to bed face clean-up time shall not exceed 3 minutes, and consciously playing foot-washing water for his wife and children or to help his wife bathe Cuobei prohibited late, leave early and lower service standards; weekends and holidays.
three, husband to regular participation in job training, and constantly improve his cooking (at least to master the three types of cuisine),- Some Code, shadow., Home Economics (5 star hotel standards), and the Chinese traditional medicine massage techniques.
four, husband to always pay attention to appearance,nike air max ltd, instruments, forbidden at home, unkempt, disheveled (not ######y clothing); in outdoor wear fancy dress and non-promiscuous, to be done.
five monthly salaries, bonuses and all income must be handed over to the wife, not against payment, shall not be missing, forbidden or secret personal coffers; it every day management fees shall not exceed 10 yuan allocated by the wife daily (excluding holidays), for any reason overdraft, advance, wife of the right to information and the right to audit expenditure; family to be used for other purposes is strictly prohibited other expenses, diversion, all financial expenditures uniform issuing process by the wife. If violated, according to the severity of the circumstances, separately or in combination impose a deduction of home equipment fees,エアマックスプラス360,A Dying Man's Favorite Cookies, management fees washed, separated, husband of one month to discharge its duties until the proceedings.
six, responsible for the children from school to school transfer task, the delay for any reason; holidays to strictly implement the not wait for an opportunity to chat with other women heads of household), to accompany Laozhang Ren chat (no nap or watching TV). If violated , according to the severity of the circumstances, impose a reprimand or in combination, respectively (demerits), wash the management fees deduction, the deduction of home equipment fees or confiscation of food to eat of the action.
seven, her husband's health on the family bears full responsibility. Health checks to
eight, in addition to holidays shall not be watching TV, is strictly prohibited grab their wives and children of the remote control, non-noisy, non-wife does not like to watch football matches and any programs. If violated, may impose a fine mop the floor or in combination, respectively, three times a month to watch TV to cancel qualification punishment.
nine, watching women (age 3 -80 years old) may not look out every three seconds (inclusive), on the same day the eyes of a woman may not exceed three (inclusive); prohibited the phone with her lover, letter, meet, Internet and all links; Miss Yan Jinzai (3 years old -80 years old) in front of laugh, Maiguai; Miss Yan Jinhe alone. If violated, depending on the severity, from the special rectification according to the spirit of his wife, strictly, from quick to crack down on anyone, any form of words, and cover all will be punished for obstruction of justice.
ten, forbidden contact with ########ography, gambling, drugs; non-smoking, drinking, exchanges gossip boyfriend, and all his wife against the hobby. Membership immediately expelled marriage has been found, while for abetting his wife has the
November, a statement of her husband the same thing not more than 3 times (inclusive), each state shall not exceed 3 minutes (inclusive), the volume should not exceed 20 dB (inclusive).
second, her husband should strengthen the building of spiritual civilization, eliminate waste and material comparisons (to eat a good buy diet pills, alcohol and tobacco), to improve our self-build in the family and contributions , than domestic than cooking Arts and the good atmosphere.
XIII, in any aspect of any problems the family, must be subject to the form of a monthly payment of wages according to performance, test scores cooking, health, obedience, grooming , attitude of the five aspects of work, each of 20 points out of 100; first self-evaluation, the final evaluation by the wife responsible.
fifteen, her husband of 90 evaluation points to 5% of wages according to her husband to receive performance pay; 85 min at 4%; 80 points by 3%, 80 points or less is not up to no pay for performance, standards were not consecutive semi automatic discharge married membership. Evaluation for two consecutive years to reach 90 points or more are awarded a
sixteen, adherence to family secrets, to ensure that the
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