Newport Cigarettes is the best menthol cigarettes, sharks. Just some of the reasons that put me
off going to Australia. Every creature is bigger and angrier
than anywhere else on the world. It’s like the place in the
ilmJason and the Argonauts where giant scorpions and other
big stuff knocked about.
I put it down to two things:
1. It could be cos spiders, snakes and the like normally
hide under rocks. The earth is one big rock. Australia is at
the bottom
Cheap Cigarette, and they are trying to hide under it. More evi-
dence of this is that you don’t get many insects sat on top of
a rock. The top of the Earth rock is the north pole. There
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Happyslapped by a jellyfish
are no spiders roaming around the north pole.
2. The only other thing I can blame, most of white people like the
Marlboro Cigarettes.