first children to take the initiative to do their homework on how to make children obedient
second third sensible
how to guide children on how children learn to fourth managing emotions
fifth chapter to learn how to make children love
sixth chapter on how to eliminate tension in the child's learning how to make children
VII Part VIII condense
children learn how to eliminate the muddle
IX how to alteration the negative into positive children
10th chapter on how to develop children's self-confidence
tenth one on how to eliminate the child's sense of inferiority
twelfth chapter how to change the child's disabilities for the avail
an, so that kid ambition to do your homework
quite obedient child, is a gentle horse, but human often say . Indeed, unless the nag is very thirsty, or, even now they can send it to the water's corner to go,
GHD Blue Butterfly 2011, do not let him take the initiative to drink.
first one, homework period should not be too long.
second move, enlarge the children's benefits.
third measure, learning can not be too hasty.
fourth move, so he likes the girls to take home.
fifth move, let the children fill
sixth trick play, to motivate her and make him go all out.
seventh move, is so anti-that.
eighth trick, often changing the learning environment.
ninth trick out a homework schedule.
tenth trick,
GHD MK4 Gold Straighteners, put the kids to do good homework.
eleventh move, let the children by painting lots.
twelfth trick, do not referee the teacher in front of children
Second, how to make children servile sensible
communicate with children, be sure to listen cautiously to him,
GHD Classic Straighteners, let him feel the parents of his attention and respect, so that the child will be set up and a mini self-esteem, he will be in conversation with adults, seriously think about their own cerebral and doing, to express their outlooks, which the children's logical thinking habits have a good help. Of way, adults and children when the commute should also pay attention to some details, so for to make children more quickly and good communication.
first one, praise the child by the mouth of a third party.
second measure, with letters or diaries to share their sensibilities with their children.
third measure, with a mild tone of chat.
fourth move, time to let children know what went erroneous.
fifth trick, clever convey of the child's attention.
sixth move, mix with the children.
seventh move, once only explain one thing.
eighth trick, often express the child's confidence.
ninth trick, to say only constructive comments.
tenth trick, do not blame the children have been thwarted.
eleventh move promptly to correct the details of the lives of poor children.
twelfth trick, then naturally more than a child with gratitude.
Third, how to guide children voluntarily
there is a saturation principle is that children are accustomed to feeling tired. Although a muscular wish to have a purpose, yet also to experience the fun of entities done, but because many courses in the feeling of resistance, can not continue to take the initiative to do entities, whether the necessitated level of cutback, to decrease the weight assignments, continue to foster children in cheap when the vigor, then they slump over, will heave sense of duty, be more motivated to do homework.
first one, deserving to lower demand for children
second measure, let the kids do not like the subject
third measure, the pace of extension initiatives with the same compel
fourth move, so children eat the outset hard
fifth move, interest is the best educator
sixth move, the mother of the most important incentive
seventh move, to change the child first, eighth change your opinion
strokes, sometimes pleading with the children to speak
testify of the ninth trick, not scolding a child when he vanquished the tenth trick
give children the appropriate compensation is effective
eleventh move, and more children with ecology near to
twelfth trick, success is not so difficult as you assume the thirteenth trick
, lively self-motivation among children
fourteenth move, of inflame for the learning Power
Fourth, how to let the children study to manage sensations
adolescent children often disappointed with their parents, because with growing claims from the ego, the absolute conflict with the provisions of the parents, the parents have to attempt to overcome this difficult conversion time , let the children grow up successfully adult.
premier one to guide the children to vent discontent
second measure so that children have the right optional subjects
third measure carefully listen to children's voices of discontent
fourth recruit children into the character of the purchaser
Do no let the engaged fifth recruit to be your forgive to move the democratic approximate to the sixth
unreasonable demands
seventh move the child to recede to argue and educate
eighth trick to handle with the real pros and cons obstinate attitude
ninth trick pay attention to guiding the child's herd intellect
tenth trick to give children a vent space
5, children adore to learn how to make
mode in spoon-feeding pedagogy, learning itself is a model of the process, not to mention even like it or not, whether the children are interested in learning or not interested, are have sat at my desk over and over again and look at the writings, this is a cause of the children are tired.
first one to the children about some of the more inspirational article
second recent recruit learning objectives to influence children
third measure dispersed children's care is likewise important to obtain rid of his children
fourth recruit minute heat habits
fifth move via increasing appetite for learning
sixth trick to educate children learn the strength of
seventh move to save the right quantity of discipline can be more flexible
child heads with offering to rally the eighth trick ninth trick for kids to learn
sense of emergency to enhance the use of efficient learning
tenth trick to reserve the content fresh learning
eleventh trick adjustable reading different subjects deliberately alter the atmosphere
twelfth trick kids learning environment
six, children learn how to eliminate tension
a parent must be aware of its causing, we should attempt appropriate counseling and comforting the child, the child can remove the solicitude about the outcome of the psychological, and often comic tone of optimism , elevating heaving the child a sense of alarm in the black accidentally so that they have a high degree of self-confidence and spunk to face one afterward different the size of the dare.
first one to attach the child to feel secure
second measure to dilute the optimistic intonation of the child's sense of humor failure
third measure say thirty days to a month
fourth recruit more attention The magnitude of a child's psychological development can regulate breathing
fifth move the sixth child feelingful
move deliberately in front of children make blunders
seventh move mascot stable mood
determination the contrive to think eliminating the eighth trick tension a spit faster
7, how to make the child converge
mother should suitably adjust homework schedule, and not to abdicate the established blueprint, this can only be co-ordinated performance, some children were reading in one side , meantime having fun playing the envy of others, heart invisible indignation, it will influence his future interest in reading.
first one roundabout prompt skills
second measure amplified random schedule
third measure sub-clock Magical
fourth recruit to construct a flexible homework schedule
fifth move to remove
ninth trick with the
eight, children learn how to eliminate the confusion
for the mother, its eyes negligible little things, sometimes the hearts of children is often a cumbersome burden, so the mother should always put ourselves in the sake of the children, a viewer attitude, to help children solve problems in life.
first one to lead the children to make the right choice
second measure asks the choices law evoked
third meter apt set an alternative to inquire for the clever premise of the fourth recruit black cows
milk is white, like the
fifth move unplug the fog of confusion trouble
sixth ship to across the bridge move it?
seventh stroke is the most profound experience of hiding
eighth trick destiny in our ideas
9, how to change the negative into positive children
many asset in life can not, but fair can not live without hope,
GHD MK4 Pure Straighteners, hopeful area, life is endless! For children, we should forever encourage them not to let them have negative feelings.
first one to detect the underlying causes of child negative
second measure your child publicly announced target
third measure physical fitness is the root of a positive attitude
fourth recruit good habits to preserve a positive attitude sorcery
fifth move so that children develop the habit of reading noisily
sixth move ahead to reach the school so that children develop good habits
seventh move so that more children make a assured and optimistic friends
first Bazhao so that children develop the habit of writing symbols
ninth trick children to do housework to get rid of depression
tenth trick to do more to encourage children to try fashionable
; eleventh move children to foster a sense of responsibility in the family do not always ask
twelfth trick is not a problem with the foster child argumentative move XIII
positive attitude
XIV recruit more applause and less reproof,
GHD Blue Straighteners, it enables the child stimulated
10th chapter on how to develop children's self-confidence
the merit of life depends on our own! Tell the child, who as an independent entity, is peerless, and not forget this, let the children know the merit of his existence, to enhance his confidence, make more efforts to establish their own individuality and future.
first one to differentiate the children is priceless
his second child to do some easy trick to do
third measure weaken the child's mistakes highlight the achievements of its attention to the child of fourth recruit
effort to reprove the child before the fifth move must first move to strengthen the value praise
sixth to seventh child continued progress
recruit high goals and create the child's self-confidence
eighth recruit native dependency br> twelfth trick memories of the past achievements of their children reconstruct confidence
tenth one ashore how to eradicate the child's sense of inferiority
eliminate feelings of inferiority and develop self-confidence, in fact, either sides, the two must supplement every other, however, mentioned the before segment develop self-confidence skills, not specifically to the competence meager children as objects,
GHD MK4 Kiss Straighteners, that is, for imperfect or needy performance of children, often can not be effective. And this chapter is alter from the previous chapter, can be warmhearted seemly to the ability of penniless children.
first move from the know the hearts of the children with the words tie
fifth move to exterminate child's psychological
sixth recruit children to read biographies of excellent men the world
seventh move their children with good theoretical results and objective peep
face first Bazhao foster child some special genius
ninth trick to weaken the child's sense of inferiority contention luck
how to change the child's twelfth chapter the advantages disadvantages of the mother would always caution
correct shortcomings, so the children ambition themselves knew, although, self-demanding child, will often anxiety their own shortcomings, so mom straight verbal abuse, often have the opposite effect, so that he no self-confidence.
first one with the fitting way for children to residence shortcomings
second measure excuse additional children in front of children informed of delinquency
third measure is to distinguish between the shortcomings or personality
fourth trick to change the child's rank his self-law who
fifth recruit child's shortcomings and advantages of interchangeable
sixth trick to eliminate the child's lusts satisfied oblique
seventh move to use the threat of discipline alternatively implied moderate effect
eighth recruit himself suggests the shortcomings of the children do not have the authority
ninth trick to inhibit the child's resistance
tenth trick encourage children to / p>