Laptop is necessary for almost everyone, I need to choose an good in quality and fast in using.
Recently, I bought ASUS X8DE35IJ-SL 14" Notebook to replace the old HP G60. I wanted to buy a new computer for a while 'time but had never been considered too deep into it. At first I wanted to build a custom PC and never thought that a laptop can stay on your desktop. This is only noticed this on your computer. This computer is an extraordinary device that manages to stay cool after hours of use. I had never believed that I could find a laptop so powerful at this price.
Design and build
The U45JC has a simple and classic look, the combination of shiny silver and shiny black is aesthetically pleasing. I like the way the keyboard black stand around their money. The U45JC is thin enough for a 14-inch laptop with such impressive specifications of only 1.1 "high chassis has a triangular shape;. The edge of the notebook are angled down and make the laptop look slimmer it really is.
The build quality is above average. The U45JC feels solid in hand, mainly due to its thinness. The rest area of the palm shows a certain amount of flexibility, even when applied significant pressure. The silver area below the display has some flexibility, there seems to be a small gap between the plastic and under everything. The curves marked a little when twisted by the corners, which is expected U45JC rates better than current laptops I've tried. Flex is a bad thing because it allows within the circuit to bend, and the circuits do not bend.
Overall this laptop far exceeds my expectations for what a laptop can do, where did I find it? ,there are many good laptops, but I love mine.