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Old 08-30-2011, 04:14 AM   #1
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Thumbs up Blogs » homepros1.com

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Old 08-30-2011, 04:16 AM   #2
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沸沸扬扬的法定假日调整方案征求意见工作,在上周四终于结束了,印象中这也是第一通过网络调查的方式来反映 民意,不能不说是政府部门在工作中重视民意的体现,也是胡总“和谐社会”理论的体现,而网络调查的结果当然 也很“和谐”,据最后的统计结果,有八成以上的网民支持法定假日修改方案,虽说国务院还没有正式公布,这一 皆大欢喜的方案在明年付诸实施基本上是板上钉钉的了。
按照“国家法定节假日调整研究小组”所发布的网络调查的前言解释,实行了9年之久的法定节假日知道之所以要 调整,是因为:
1999年,针对当时国内有效需求增长乏力的状况,国务院对原有的法定节假日安排进行了调整,形成了春节、 “五一”、“十一”三个连休7天的长假。这种休假安排,为居民出行、购物和休闲提供了时间上的便利,为拉动 内需、促进经济增长做出了积极贡献。
一是缺乏传统文化特色。我国是一个有着几千年历史的文明古国,长期的历史积淀形成了一批世代相传、富有中华 民族文化特色的传统节日,但目前法定节假日中只有春节一个传统节日。二是节假日安排过于集中。在目前10天 法定节假日中,有9天集中安排在春节、“五一”、“十一”三个假期。这三个假期中,人员流动数量庞大,交通 拥挤,旅游安全隐患增大;居民大规模集中出游导致旅游产品短期内供给不足,旅游景区人满为患,破坏现象时有发生;长假 期间消费过于集中,也给旅游及相关企业经营活动安排带来较大困难。三是休假制度不够落实。目前我国尚未全面 建立带薪休假制度。政府机关和事业单位虽然设定了年休假制度,但在实际执行中存在职工难以自由休息和因工作 紧张而不能休假的现象。对企业职工年休假没有明确的制度规定,一些职工的年休假权利难以得到保 障。
调整的理由洋洋洒洒好几条,可是看完以后,却总觉得缺少了点什么,无论从弘扬民族文化还是减少交通拥挤,保 护旅游景区等角度,都是站在了用法定节假日这个指挥棒来调控经济、指导人民生活的角度,而缺乏一种“以人为本”的人文主义思想。如果说9年前,黄金周假日的设定,更多地是站在拉动内需, 推动经济发展的立场的话,那么在9年后的今天,在胡总“和谐社会”指导思想的现在,我们的“国家法定节假日 调整研究小组”,却依然是采用了陈旧的思维方式。
怎么样才能体现“以人为本”?在节假日的调整上,我个人认为,切实地考虑人民群众的实际需求,结合人民群众 目前的实际情况,这才是根本。以这次的调整为例,网上很多的网民就指出,大年三十下午开始休息,基本上已经 成为了各企业的惯例,而这一次将春节假期改为从大年三十开始,客观上就减少了群众半天的假期;再以五一假期 为例,一年三个黄金周,对于目前日益增多的新市民来说,正好是用两个来家庭团聚,还有一个用来休息或者旅游 ,而取消五一黄金周,将导致更多的新市民,不得不以减少家庭团聚来作为代价,至于弘扬民族文化,虽然可以作 为政府的一种指导方针,shape ups skechers,却不是公民应尽的义务,用让公民牺牲自己的利益作为条件来弘扬传统文化,就是变相剥夺了公民 的休假权力。
也许有人会说我是杞人忧天,网络调查80%的支持率,充分证明了普遍民众对法定节假日改革方案的支持,却慢 ,让我们来看看这个“国家法定节假日调整研究小组”所设计的网络调查问卷是什么题目。
二、对于将“五一”国际劳动节调整出的2天河新增加的1天用于增加清明、端午、中秋三个传统节日为国家法定 节假日,您的态度是
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五、对于调整前后周末形成元旦、清明、国际劳动节、端午、中秋5个连休三天的“小长假”,您的 态度是
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三、对于保留您现在的皮夹,shape up shoes,您的态度是
是不是我们也可以根据这样的问卷调查结果,将您现在的工资剥夺,以每个月给您发100块钱作为 补偿呢?
想起了一句很有名的话――“重大事情要让人民知道”,我们的“国家法定假日调整小组”这次就很好的贯彻执行 了这句话,不但让人民知道了,而且用精心设计的问卷调查,把人民给圈了进来。可是,重大事情,仅仅是让人民 知道就够了吗?人民是什么?是我们共和国的主人,就好比你家用了个佣人,skechers shoes online,他也提出个口号,“重大事情要让主人知道”,比如拿您家的彩电去和邻居换个黑白的,把您家的电冰箱100 块卖给他儿子,诸如此类,事无巨细都让您知道,却不让您有参与和否决的权利,请问您会不会心甘 情愿啊?
法定节假日的调整,对于有些部门来说,也许算不得一个大事,但是对于一年只有10-11天法定节假日的普罗大众来说,这法定节假日,shape up skechers,就是他们一年中难得的欢愉,仅仅因为要弘扬民族文化,因为要减轻黄金周的压力而予以剥夺,这真的是体现了 “和谐社会”、“以人为本”吗?
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Old 08-30-2011, 04:17 AM   #3
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,448
g3sh7sf0mf is on a distinguished road

1.我女朋友前几天找我去医院,我就问怎么了,她说,她的腿有点弯,就是俗称的O型腿。她觉得影响她的美观 ,所以决定去医院看看有办法解决没。因为我女朋友一向斯斯文文的,所以她觉得有点不好意思,为了自己漂亮就 来医院她还是第一次,所以大夫问她怎么回事的时候,她说:大夫,我两腿之间有条逢。大夫一惊,随即道:废话 ,没逢的是老爷们.........
2.晚上和老婆看完金婚之后上床休息。 老婆问:金婚里的佟志咋那么急性子啊,你咋没那么急? 老公答:他那是二十几岁,我现在都已经快四十了,不能比。 老婆问:那你二十多岁没结婚的时候,性急了咋办啊? 老公答:买块肉。 老婆问:做啥? 老公答:打个洞。 老婆沉思了一下,说:要是困难时期,那可真是作孽啊。
3.这是发生在我朋友生上一件真实的事情...一次,他在他女朋友家吃饭,当时只有他、他女朋友和女朋友的 爸爸三个人。这时电视中正在播放一个教跳老年迪斯科的节目,领舞的那个大叔长得很BT。这时,他女朋友便开 玩笑地和他说:“哎?!这人怎么长得这么像你爸呀?哈哈”。当时我那个朋友正在大吃,变想也没想,大声呵斥 道:“像你爸!!!”
4.有个朋友忘了隐藏***的pp,被他老爸看到,训他训到了一点多,第二天早上起来还接着训。 这个朋友忍无可忍,跟他妈说,我看这个怎么了,我都24了,是狗也该拉出去配种了!
5.有次大热天的打麻将,突然停电了,只好买了蜡烛继续战斗.过了半个小时,实在热得受不了了,一人说:“ 还是开电风扇吧,热死了。” 另一人接口:“不能开,开了会把蜡烛吹灭的。”6
.今天餐馆有两伙人打架,其他无关的人都跑掉了,只有我没有离开座位,微笑的看着他们。我觉得自 己非常酷。 突然有一个人指着我说:打他们丫老大,我刚要说我不是,一个酒瓶子就把我头打开了花,skechers shoes。然后几个人过来揣我。另一伙看他们在打不认识的人竟然也不帮忙。 我快被打半死时pol.ice来了,还把我当成主犯拉回去审讯。刚才才被家长领回家。我现在悟出了一个非常 深刻的道理,就是:没实力,千万别装B!
7.某日在寝室电脑里看日本大顶(毛片)看到一半正好卡机了,事事就是这么巧,让我措手不及的是,学院生活 部查寝室卫生的几个男女进了来!高喊着:"查寝!"当时定格的那个画面极其的不堪入目(也不知道日本的毛片 这么变态)那时我极其紧张,汗都要出来咯!这几个人看着我和屏幕上的画面哑口无语......我看着他们大 约10秒后胆怯的说:"要 ~想 想批判它,就 得 得了解它!"也不知道引用的是哪的话~ 那几个人听后推门就走!再看看我寝室的哥们儿们乐疯咯!!我咣咣撞墙! 从那以后我就有了个外号"批A先锋"
8..昨天陪老婆逛街,从身边走前去一个美女, 老婆:“老公,那MM不错哦,她穿的衣服也不错哦。” 我:“我去把他衣服扒了,衣服归你人归我。” MM好像听到了,回头看了我们俩口子10几秒。
10.有一个小孩坐在一个门口玩耍,一个中年男子问他:“你爸爸在家吗?” 小孩答曰:“在家”, 中年男子便去按门铃,按了很久,无人开门。 于是男子生气地问:“为啥不开门?” 小男孩答:“我哪知道,这又不是我家!”
11.朋友在路边看见一个卖毛片的小贩,过去询问价格,15块一张,于是买了两张.回家一看竟然是卡拉OK .朋友大怒,回去找,skechers shape up shoes,已无小贩踪影.决定每天在此蹲守,抓住后狠揍.几天后将小贩擒获.刚要动手,小贩哀求道:上次觉的您象p ol.ice,所以不敢给真的.朋友问:现在可有真货.小贩说有,并且可以10块一张卖给他.朋友考虑后又 给20拿了5张真的.回家一看,还是卡拉OK.那小贩再也找不着了
12.小时候刚学骑自行车,还不太会就跑到大街上,看到前面一个老大爷在走,自己感觉要撞上,就大叫,不要 动,不要动。那个老大爷一下站在那里没有动,结果我拐来拐去,还是撞上了。老大爷站起来说,你 瞄准呢。 当时尴尬死了。
13.一天看了蜡笔小新的漫画,想学他在身上画画,当然不可能完全照搬啦,退而求其次,在男朋友的胸前画了 个naizhao,两个人笑得不亦乐乎,之后他也没洗澡,继续干别的事情。过了一会儿男朋友说要出去倒垃圾 。倒垃圾的地方离家很远,要经过一个菜市场。十分钟后男朋友回来了,扑在我怀里猛哭。原来他是光着膀子出去 的,经过菜市场的时候发现回头率奇高,正洋洋得意的时候猛然想起胸前还鲜明地展示着我的画作,以后没法混了 !
14.今天中午和朋友去吃饭, 挑了一家人比较少的, 后来我们才知道这个决定多么错误啊 !进去后点了不少菜 ,先上了土豆丝 ,朋友看了下 说了句:这也太少了吧? 老板恰好在旁边看电视 ,扭头说:咋,给你杀头猪? 我朋友一愣 ,说: 你怎么这么说话呢? 老板说:咋, 给你叫个爹? 朋友很气愤, 就站起身 ,说: 我走, 我走, 我也和朋友一起走 ,老板不依不饶:咋 ,给你打个的? 朋友崩溃……
15.初中时,一天正上课,忽听后排一声巨响,全班回头,看到后面一同学嘴唇红肿(酷似东城西就里的梁朝伟 造型),并有n多塑料碎片插在上面~~~原来此君上课闲着没事,咬打火机玩,不料质量太差,爆 了,
16.我一哥们突然心血来潮去教室上自习,发现旁边坐一mm,快到午饭时间时,转头对mm说:“同学,能借 我五块钱么?我钱包忘宿舍里了,你看,这是我的学生证,先压你这都行。我中午想吃碗面条。” 那mm想了一小下,说:“行”。正在掏钱的时候,我哥们又说:“你要是借我10块,我可以请你 吃一碗?”
17.我们初中的时候不是很开放,啥也不懂。有次上体育课。老师叫我们绕圈跑。跑了几圈,就有女同学在体育 老师耳边说几句,然后就不用跑了。一会就有好几个,我们男生就齐了怪了。当我们跑过老师跟前的时候恰巧有个 女生又说了,shape up skechers,突然我哥们说“我听到了!”然后他得意洋洋的跑到老师面前说了那句话,**!他竟然挨了2个嘴巴!后来我 们问他说的什么,他委屈的说“我按她们说的:老师,我有例假!”
19.我朋友的糗事,skechers shoes online,是个女生。她考驾照的时候特别紧张,就怕过不了,手握方向盘握的特别紧。监考的看她紧张就说:别紧张!她 回了句,我不紧张,他们说把监考的当条狗做在身边就行了
20.昨天下班途中,与同事闲聊,她说起她老公是属猪的,但是在年尾生的,算起来该算是猪尾巴, ... 马上头脑发热,一句让我悔恨终生的话,大声地,激动地,脱口而出了:"我是猪头! ...
21.昨天在电梯里一开门,哇!全是帅哥!很优雅地走进去。正窃喜,一个两三岁的小女孩跑进电梯,冲我咧嘴 一笑,大喊一声:妈妈! 我很镇定地、和蔼地弯下腰:“小妹妹,你认错人了,我不是你妈妈。” 电梯又开了,这次进来一条小狗,一进来就高兴地绕着我转,不停地摇尾巴,那个高兴劲! 这我算没辙了,skechers shape ups
22.有一次我逛街的时候觉得肚子很痛,于是我走进街角的“119吃到饱火锅店”,想说借个厕所用用,偏偏 找遍了一楼就是找不到,于是我就跑到第二楼去,二楼还在装修,空荡荡的没有然后东西,但是却发现有一间厕所 门贴着“故障维修,请勿使用。”
我实在是忍不住了,管他三七二十一,反正四下无人,脱了裤子就朝马桶蹲了下去,噼里啪啦... ..好爽!
结束后,我下楼去却发现空物一人,奇怪了,正植晚餐时间刚才楼下还高朋满座的,怎么一下自就人去楼空呢?连 服务生和接待都不见了.....
此时,只见一个男服务生从吧台下面钻了出来,并且开口:“我靠!刚才大便从天花板掉下来打在电风扇的时候你 不在,算你运气好。”我汗啊.
23.高中的时候,一次下课,同学们都抢着到外面买盒饭。一女生为了比别人先到,绕了个近道走,结果前面窨 井盖没盖好,掉了下去!一会儿她撑着井沿往上爬,很是狼狈,一群初中小孩惊骇地从身边走过,她竟急中生智, 一边爬一边说:哎!真难修啊……
课间偷了同桌(女生)的一盒清凉油狂奔厕所,抹上之后才追悔莫及����那个刺激呀,DD翘起来说什么也不 回去!夏天衣服少也挡不住呀,只好弯着腰挪回教室,坐下去紧紧靠着书桌一动不敢动。清凉油这东西气味可真大 ,同桌厉声喝问:你是不是偷我清凉油了,抹哪儿了?!����-我生不如死!
26.有天我和一个好朋友上了公车上,前面都满了,就跑到后面,正好剩两个座位就坐下了,前排有两个中学生 男孩,坐在那里。 走了一站,有一个20多岁的女的领着一个7,8岁的男孩上了车。(后来知道这是她孩子,:() 没座位,于是站到了那两个中学生的旁边。
没多久,小孩就闹开了,说腿疼。 那个中学生很识趣的站了起来,给小孩让座。
中学生就答应了。小孩坐到了中学生的膝盖上。 又过了几站,上来了一个女孩。是那种及其漂亮的,而且穿的也是及其性感。 低胸,短裙。
公车开着开着,小孩突然冲着他妈妈喊了这么一句话:“妈妈,哥哥的小.鸡.鸡在乱动!和爸爸的 一样。” 逛荡! 呵呵,车内骚动。
那中学生及其羞愧。拉着同学,然后就冲司机喊: “按铃!!”(他是想喊开门,呵呵) 然后,就下车了。
27.我高中的时候,中午在家睡醒后吃了两个桔子,吃完手指上黄黄的,也没洗手就直接去了学校。下午和同学 们在一起的时候,有个同学说:“你丫怎么这么恶心啊,拉完屎擦手指头上了!”我说:"不是屎,是中午吃桔子 搞得”说完还唆了唆手指。
没过两天惨了,全学校都知道我们学校有个拉完屎用手指头擦屁股,等干了不时唆唆手指头还说有桔 子味的同学
28.一天和一个美女好朋友走在街上. 突然有买A片的小贩过来对我的好朋友说. 嘿.妹妹,你快来看看.又来新片啦. 我的朋友大怒... 又什么又.我认识你吗??
29.在酒店吃饭,我席间内急,服务员热情地说;我们酒店没有卫生间,你可以去对面公厕,我们和他们有约定 ,到那你就说你是“吃饭的!”
30.刚恋爱时候,不懂怎样调情,有一次和女友激情,亲她耳朵,不知不觉一大口口水下来了,全滑进她耳朵里 …… 大家对身边什么东西进水第一反应是什么?比方说鼠标手机psp进水了, 我那时候啊,马上把她的头扭转九十度,然后……用手掌敲了她耳朵一下力量还挺大
32.来真的很丢人了!今年五一假期的时候,我和妈妈一起去商场,我们逛了很久。后来走到一个卖运动鞋的专 柜,我妈要我试一双鞋,当时我累的不行了,甚至我觉得自己神志都不是很清楚。
~~~~可能是之前试裤子试的太多了吧,我竟然二话不说,就开始解腰带,接着又很自然的要拉裤门,天啊,我 妈,叫到,喂,你干什么!!?? 我这才反过味来!那个卖鞋的售货员看着我都呆了。我当时真是……
33.高中时候和朋友在学校附近吃午餐,他点了一碗宽面条,另一朋友在喝可乐,然后不知道谁讲了个笑话,喝 可乐的人笑呛了,可乐从鼻子里滴出来。
朋友哈哈大笑别人的糗状,谁知道一条宽面从鼻孔里喷射而出! 大学毕业了每次见到他还会不由自主的想笑
34.有一次在车站外面的商店外面买东西 ,突然冲过来一个男的 ,急急得喊: 同志, 给我来包卫生.巾, 我跟售货员都一愣 ,后来一想也没什么 ,也许帮他老婆买的呢` 售货员马上递了一包日用卫生.巾.给他 ,他很急得说不是这种的。 我不要这种的 ,我要男士用的那种卫生.巾, 我跟那售货员当时都崩溃...男士用的, 没听过!
35.第一次到岳父家去,本来不想去,女朋友硬拉着要我去,去了吃饭,岳父给我倒了一点酒,我不喝,可岳父 说年青人,适当喝点没关系,只好喝了一点,饭后,有酒垫底,开始的那一点拘谨荡然无存。就把岳父挂在墙上的 手枪拿下来玩,那是一支QSZ92式半自动手枪,比我自己的佩枪要好,我的还是54式7.62 毫米的。
拿着岳父的枪,瞄着岳父家的小猫扣动扳机,清脆的枪声,猫死了,skechers tone ups,5555555~ 我靠,子弹是上镗了的,岳父,你在家没事儿,把佩枪子弹上镗干什么?
37.单位附近有个傻子,好象是做什么手术一下子把脑子做坏了,于是神经跟脑子就有问题了,这个人每天见了 人不管认识的还是不认识的 总是追着人家问一句话:是不?是不?是不?....就这俩个一词逮着一个人能问 N次 
有一次下班在单位门口遇到他 我正着急办事,他走过来,我看见他好象要跟我说话.我连忙说:是了,是了.是了,...结果那个傻子只说了 俩个字......傻X...我差点晕死
38.初中时候的事………两个同学(同桌)不知怎么的给对骂起来了,一个人骂另一个人说:“我同桌是个NB !”另一个人直接急了,回骂到:“你同桌才是个NB!”剩下我们在旁边的一群人爆笑不止……
39.人夜过坟地,见火光,以为是鬼火,遂投砖头一块,火光移至另一坟头,该人又仍一砖头,遂听见:天啊? 拉泡屎都不行,一跟烟的工夫挨两砖头?
40.一个新来的店员,做每件事都在背口诀,有一位老太太买了一瓶酱油,店员:"收您xx元,找您xx元, 请问您需要吸管吗?老太太顿时晕倒……
41.一次放学,同桌招呼我和她一块去吃饭,临走的时候她好心提醒我“去上趟厕所吧”, 我当时可能光想着吃饭了,脱口而出“我不饿”……
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Old 08-30-2011, 04:55 AM   #4
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Lightbulb here he

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Old 08-30-2011, 04:59 AM   #5
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 440
oujoyha8l7 is on a distinguished road

birds do not eat these parts
meat is essential to our lives, food, and animals can be used most of the parts are edible, but some parts of is how you do not eat, otherwise easy to give birth to health problems, pigs, cattle, sheep and other animals on the thyroid gland, adrenal gland, lymph node disease is three \

birds \The macrophages can devour germs and viruses, even cancer-causing substances can be swallowed, but can not break down, so the bird, \

Rabbit \rectal gland, taste very fishy, if not removed when eating, it will make rabbit meat hard to swallow.
animals \
sheep \

fish \.

do not die of ignorance


in United States, almost every family types of tomatoes, eat tomatoes, aimed not cancer. This is just 5,6 years ago, they know. Cancer may not eat tomatoes, you know? Not uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer. This is not just to eat tomatoes this, I ask you, how to eat tomatoes? Some say that's not easy to wash raw chanting. Slice also put sugar, then drink beer. If it is such a food, I tell you, free ride it! Not cancer. Inside there is something called tomato tomato pigment, which, combined in one protein, fiber wrapped around hard to come out. Must be heated, heated to a certain level before it. I tell you, fried eggs, tomatoes, the most valuable. There are tomato soup, or tomato and egg soup is good. Raw tomatoes are not cancer, please pay attention.

Garlic Garlic is also the king of cancer. I just wrote a how to eat garlic, it was said: that thing too warm to eat. What are you hanging warming? I tell you, zero heating garlic! Shandong Province, Northeast favorite, a prosthetic to eat, and said not to eat garlic and cancer, but cancer of the few days he served. Why? Now the world knows how to eat garlic, only we do not know. Tell you, the original must first cut it into pieces, a piece of sheet on the air 15 minutes after it combines with oxygen to produce allicin. Garlic itself is not cancer, Allicin only cancer but also cancer of the king. The day I see people eat garlic, he took a bowl, then quickly put the garlic peeling out, a one to eat, eat less than 5 seconds into it. Not even 5 seconds, what is the use of garlic that you? Not at all. If you do not follow my method, it is quite unlikely that the
garlic flavored Do not worry, eat hawthorn, chewing peanuts point, and then eat a good taste of tea, no. Foreign eat every week, and why we do not eat it!

the following about the black fungus.

black fungus for? Now one to the New Year to suffer a myocardial infarction in one, increasingly early age, has 30 years of age. Why do many New Year? Two reasons, one is thick blood coagulation body is fat, high. We remember the people called thick blood coagulation constitution. Hypercoagulability hypercoagulable physical person with food, so the New Year many people, especially myocardial infarction, irrespective of age. Although myocardial infarction is no cure, but it can be prevented. Some doctors tell you take aspirin, and why? Can make the blood is not sticky, not myocardial infarction. But the consequences of what the consequences of aspirin retinal hemorrhage, retinal hemorrhage is a lot of people. I advise you not to eat aspirin. Aspirin is now Europe has not eat, and eat? Eating black fungus. Black fungus has two roles, one of which is that blood is not sticky. The role of the black fungus found in U.S. cardiologist, he got the Nobel Prize. He found that after all the Europeans, who have money and rank black fungus eat, and eat aspirin. What kind of person is a high condensate constitution? The answer is short, thick, fat people, especially menopausal women compatriots. And blood type AB are more likely to high coagulation thick. The shorter neck, the more likely there are high coagulation thick. First New Year do not eat Hesse Hu; second drink plenty of tea, blood circulation; and third do not get angry, and his blood to thick. Thick blood also easy to drink liquor, drink to drink wine, such as fruit wine, red wine, which does not exceed 100 ml.

If you eat peanuts,

do not eat, really eat, peel and eat the skin. You see we Chinese peanuts, spiced peanuts, fried peanuts, fried peanuts all the skin. You go to Europe to see, not all skin peanuts, and people know not to eat the skin. Some people said: \Who said that, I tell you, there is no nutritional peanut skin, it can only rule HA films, increased platelets, used to stop bleeding. We do not eat in the elderly. As well as watching TV to note that a good TV to watch a moment, the TV does not look bad. Why? Sat there a long time, hemagglutination degrees will rise. I am particularly worried about? He had short and thick fat, no neck, still menopause, blood type is AB, Hu eat Hesse, then a angry, and drink liquor, finished eating peanuts not skinned, and he condemned myocardial infarction was my doctor wrong. Pollen

following President Reagan was about time it was shot, have a malignant tumor, he was so great age, is still alive, but had senile dementia. Pollen play a significant role in his possession. Now Europe, the Americas are popular come from the pollen. After returning home I investigated the history, that we were very early. Wu eat pollen, the Empress Dowager Cixi eat pollen. We all know that the sperm of plant pollen, conceived of life, the most abundant nutrient in the plant where the best of things. Ancient times, but we ignored it. Please do not buy in the streets of pollen, the pollen having hard sell on the street, not broken. Broken to have high-tech treatment. Second, pollen is wild, easily contaminated, should be disinfected. Third, it is a protein, to desensitization. Pollen must have these three to use: treatment, disinfection, desensitization. Pollen used in Japan, the most powerful, no matter how old people are using it beauty. France, no one model do not use it. Once I get up in the night to urinate three times a month every night, I looked good, eat pollen, a month back to normal. Literature, pollen cure rate of 97%. As with pollen cure, medicine can not solve, and finally renal failure, hematuria, and renal tumors. So to rule Do not wait until early renal failure. There is also a gastrointestinal disorder, female compatriots more habitual constipation. Many people take a laxative and it is easy to get cancer, colon cancer. Pollen has a name called intestinal police, eat pollen, the police were able to maintain intestinal order. Thirdly it is fit and maintain shape. The role of pollen of the three can not be ignored. So much to talk about plant problems.

following questions about animals. Radio said that eating food is better than four legs two legs, and eat more food than two legs legs. This concept is different in Europe, if you attend the banquet, we should note that if there is beef, but also pork, should eat pork. Beef too many problems, first with mad cow disease, the second a foot and mouth disease, and the third with bad cholesterol. Thirty women in the United States now had lymphatic cancer, eating hamburgers to eat out. So they are great controversy, has killed tens of thousands of cattle, we should be careful to eat. If you have pork, mutton, mutton; have another chicken and mutton, chicken; chicken and fish, fish; a fish shrimp, prawns ah. It is not polite, the smaller the animal protein as possible. Simple and popular animals to see the size of nutrition, who can not read the formula used. I do not say mice. International Conference, said the best flea protein. Although it is fleas so small, it can jump 1 meter high, you believe it or not. If it is enlarged to the body so much, it can jump the moon. Therefore, several American doctors wondering how to eat a flea in it. WHO is the United Nations suggest that you eat more chicken and fish, shrimp, why not mention it? Not not mention, but shrimp is too expensive, not easy to spread. If you have shrimp or prawns well. I now hold such a principle: If I ate two shrimp to the shrimp, a stomach that two of beef than you need to make more protein. Become very popular fish, fish protein one hour can be absorbed, the absorption rate of 100%, while beef protein 3 hours to absorb. Fish, especially the elderly frail people are particularly suitable. Certainly better than the fish shrimp. International survey, the world's most famous longevity areas in Japan, Japan's longevity areas in the sea, and sea life is the longest place to fish. Particularly want to eat fish, shrimp, in particular, to eat whole fish (with headband tail), because the active substance and the active substance in the fish, shrimp head and abdomen. See you will not buy fish, shrimp should only buy fish, and eat the whole fish, whole shrimp, which is the University asked the bigger the better

not buy fish there is a principle to eat, eat to master volume, not better. Internationally prescribed, eat 7 percent full, life can not stomach to eat up a full 8 percent, if the food 10 into the full, and that 2 percent of no use, waste. Therefore, we recommend the international Golden Section 0.618: non-staple food staple 6 4; coarse grains, flour and rice 6 4; Plant 6 animals 4. Now the human animal to eat too much food and weight imbalance. One of my patients to eat six large buns, 20-year-old had gastric dilatation, the diagnosis first to die, and second, gastrectomy. Results removed half of the stomach. In particular, the elderly into a full eat 7.

material balance has a law, I will brief you. Newborn to 5 months of breast-fed babies the best, more than 5 months, breast milk also die, need 42 more food. Old people are even harder. Thanks to a French doctor told Special Branch in the door, he went to Africa to travel to see the great lake in Africa than we lake to health and longevity. They eat? Eat the algae, dry it and eat the bag, and then drink seaweed soup. Paris to get a medical experiment, the original seaweed, and is spiral, and called spirulina. This Spirulina is found in 1962 that found a sensation around the world. Why? It is equal to 1,000 grams of 1 g of a comprehensive variety of vegetables. Queen's was only the emperor, the Olympic champion eat, others eat none. Many years later found that particularly good thing, particularly rich in nutrients, most comprehensive and the most balanced nutrient distribution, and is an alkaline food. I tell you why Japan is the world champion long life, they consume 500 tons of Spirulina year, they travel to China each have brought it. We asked them, why take Spirulina? They say, 8 grams of Spirulina can survive 40 days. Now space food,belstaff motorcycle jackets, no pie with steamed buns, and all spirulina. Spirulina is very famous in the world, so you if nutrition is not good, do not forget this stuff, it can balance the diet. Several disease it is particularly important, firstly, cardiovascular diseases, it can lower blood pressure, blood fat; second is diabetes, the disease is the lack of protein, vitamin, it is difficult to cure, spirulina to supplement the vitamins, and spirulina The biggest advantage is that complications of diabetes may not, matter sorted out as normal diet. Diabetes lack of energy, can not eat candy, Spirulina is dried sugar, dry sugar intake, there after the energy. Diabetes blood glucose instability, with gradual withdrawal after Spirulina, Spirulina and then gradually stopped, and finally take the diet. Europe has fully overcome the diabetes, we also can, but it must cooperate with the treatment. Third, gastritis, gastric ulcer, Spirulina has chlorophyll, a recovery effect on the gastric mucosa. Fourth, hepatitis, hepatitis international no, why? Fencan the people. Shanghai Medical College, conducted a survey, the family has a person of high transglutaminase others aminotransferase was also high. We poke chopsticks in a bowl. So call each family to pay attention, the best Dining. Note that many people seem to be healthy, you see he is a carrier. Spirulina can not replicate the virus, and liver cells can restore a large number of amino acids. It has choline, liver function can enhance immune function. Spirulina also radiation effect. Soviet nuclear explosions, Japan experts to the rescue, taking Spirulina is it a strong anti-radiation effect. Many women are now doing IT work, computer work, some 4 months pregnant woman after the abortion, and some babies born as a frog, as the report of Beijing Maternity Hospital with a tail there. Give people a great impact of radiation. Recently a newspaper published in Harbin last year found 1,500 cases of leukemia, also found 36 cases in October. Preliminary determination due to housing renovation, and is formaldehyde. Great risk of house decoration, the international regulations, the housing must be decorated to stay six months after. Harbin's report is more than 4 to 5 years of age. Housing renovation for the elderly, pregnant women, children the most damaging. Please do not underestimate radiation. Spirulina purified, it is plain that a very small algae called rehabilitation, can anti-radiation. It is through the Medical, Military Medical identification, approved by the Ministry of Health, is now exported. Algae is the only anti-radiation rehabilitation. Therefore, people who work at the computer, you can drop a little algae rehabilitation cast, you can also eat the algae rehabilitation. Its anti-radiation, anti-tumor, anti-virus, anti-oxidation, and improve immune function.

me to sum up, we have a great impact of radiation on, but there are several ways to prevent: the first drink green tea, the second to eat vegetables, carrots, eat Spirulina third, fourth rehabilitation eat algae. Algae rehabilitation is the best. Selected according to their own kind of economic conditions, it is not eat apples and oranges. Radiation is exposed to everyone. The international community warned: Do not put appliances on the bedroom. Especially the most harmful to our microwave, it has to us within 7 meters of radiation. And while a variety of electrical appliances do not open. Another TV, another refrigerator, microwave oven there, you cook on the side, you have cancer is very wrong ah.

aerobic exercise has the experience of a principle, do not the morning exercise. Suggest that you exercise the evening. International regulations, and 45 minutes after a meal and then exercise. And the movement of elderly people walking on it, 20 minutes. To lose weight do not have this method, a half hour to an hour before meals, eat 2-4 spirulina, and then to diminish the appetite, and lack of nutrition. Europeans to lose weight all with spirulina, the domestic eat Dora not a solution. The second is the time to get up the morning, the provisions of international 6:00, for your reference. Window of time specified on the 9 to the International 11, 2 pm to 4 points. Why? Because after 9 sinking of air pollution, and reduce pollutants, and no reflux phenomenon. Members note that the morning open the window, not where the big breath, as carcinogens, reflux material have come to your lungs, and easy to get lung cancer. International warned that the 6 am to 9 points are the most dangerous time cancer. Early bed and early to good health can not be generalized. Your stomach the night at home, a carbon dioxide absorption, respiratory tract, where there are 100 kinds of toxins, but also ran a small woods, the woods all morning, and carbon dioxide. Morning exercise, the basis of high blood pressure, basal body temperature high, adrenaline 4 times higher than in the evening, people with heart problems is easy. Out of the woods have to go to the sun, the chlorophyll to react with sunlight to produce oxygen. The woods all the time carbon dioxide, easy to poisoning, easy to get cancer. Huang Di Nei Jing says,belstaff panther jacket, \I suggest that you keep good hours in summer, winter, do not go out the morning workout, evening workout instead. Not to say what kind of person are Zaoshuizaoqi good health, age from large who do not fierce. Teng some people stood up, suddenly a myocardial infarction. The international community is so to say, people over the age of 70, slowly, the first touch of the arm touch of legs, then massage massage the heart,belstaff shop, take a minute or two up again. That no one had a heart attack. Therefore, different ages, different seasons require different treatment.

nap problems mentioned below. International regulations, the nap did not nap without argument. The Japanese do not advocate the last nap, but we advocate did not sleep well the night before, if you should take a nap. Nap time is half an hour after lunch, and preferably an hour of sleep, sleep too long on the body no good. Do not cover a large quilt. What time at night to sleep? We never advocate early hours. Early hours of the concept to make it clear that if sleep 7 and 12 got up Scrapped, it does not work. We stand for 10 to 10:30 to bed, because the international conference given an hour to one and a half hour into the deep sleep is the most scientific, which is 12 points to 3 points, 3 hours this unshakeable, what they should not do. This 3 hours of deep sleep. If this 3 hours who is good, it certainly refreshed the next day. If you go to bed after 4:00, it is light sleep. Will be sleeping and not sleeping is not the same. We stand for 12 to 3 am unshakeable, and a hot bath before going to bed, water temperature 40 to 50 degrees, which makes high-quality sleep. You play cards I do not object, but the opposition 12 to 3:00 to play cards. Shenzhen night, killing four young men playing cards, newspapers have reported. Mental health status

third milestone is the psychological state of the problem. If the bad state of mind, you exercise and eat for free, which is very important. Temperament and blood, if you have a long slow gas flow, may not know what causes cancer. Easy to get angry tumor, the whole world know. Stanford University, made a famous experiment, take a nasal tube resting on the nose so you breathe, and then let's use a nasal tube on the snow for ten minutes. If the snow does not change color to show that you calm; if snow white, and that you are guilty; if the ice purple, and that you are very angry. Snow and ice out of the purple 1 to 2 ml to mouse marked, 1 to 2 minutes after the mice died. And have studied the composition of the purple ice out. So easy to get angry tumor, this is a very serious problem. \I urge you, why did not you angry, do not be angry. If you wait any longer, I tell you, you look at the table, not more than 5 minutes, more than 5 minutes to be a bad thing, the blood become purple. This experiment has already won the Nobel Prize. Psychology will move people to avoid the anger of 5 ways: First, avoid; second shift, people call you, you go to play chess, fishing, did not hear; third is released, but to pay attention, people call you, you go criticize others not call release, is to find close friends to talk, release, or else put in their hearts to be diseased; Fourth, sublimation, that is, the more people that you, the more you do it right; V is the control, which is one of the most important method is how you call me afraid. It is important that we do best, Comrade Xiaoping, ups and downs and never seek redress. Comrade Xiaoping African president asked what a good experience, he said, saying: \Endure temporary calm, take a step backward. Patience is not a goal, is strategy. But most people can not just say to fly into a rage. A small leak will sink a great ship ah. Europe has a learned classic: the rationale should be difficult to stop, the difficulties of the people should be thick, the difficulty of the issues slow, difficult as the power should be wise. Four in the first sentence means, it is difficult not to speak the truth first. Philosophy deep, very useful. Romance of Three Kingdoms in the three gas Zhou Yu Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu Leng to mad. Or you Laizhou Yu Liang Lai? Concluded that the Laizhou Yu, his volume is too small. Great harm on the people angry.

now saying the international community has a new, all animals are not the function of laughter, only humans have this feature. But human beings do not make good use of it. Some say the monkey will laugh, elephants will laugh, you seen it? But really to see the cry, when slaughtering cattle will be tears. Ancient said: smile, ten years less. Not refer to age, is the state of mind. Smiling, healthy often. The role of laughter is very large, we all have this instinct, why not smile? We are very serious Asian peoples, but also has a relationship with the level, section chief, the Director will laugh,belstaff jacken, one to the Secretary will not laugh, dealing with foreign guests Bengzhuo a face. Now the central leadership has changed, you see how good President Jiang smile. United States set up the club with a smile, laugh became a sign of health. Laughed, wrinkles gone. So many patients are not laughing. Not the first migraine, back pain after the second not, because when the microcirculation exuberant laughter. General no pain, no pain, General. Had migraine do not worry, like a laugh, do not believe you can experiment. And ######ual function is not reduced, reproductive function is not weakened. You see people 92 years old Romanian woman given birth to baby fat, people laugh every day, ah. We are now more than 30 years of age do not have a baby every day Bengzhuo not had a face, of course. Also, always smiling on the respiratory,belstaff jacket, digestive tract are particularly good. Can do experiments, you start feeling the belly laugh, laugh three times a day, three times a stomach rumble, no constipation, no gastrointestinal cancer. Exercise your upper and lower extremity exercise, when exercise stomach it? No chance, only laughter can exercise the stomach. Laughter in the international arena has become a health standard, I investigated many times, laugh a second Nobel Prize has been released. Smile for the pituitary gland, resulting in embryonic brain, it is a natural anesthetic. Do not worry if you got arthritis, directed at the joint laughed, while not hurt. There are so many benefits of laughter, why do not we laugh?

recent survey in Beijing over human life you know the old man or old lady long long? I tell you, old lady old man longer than average to live more than 6 ½ years old. Occasionally run into an old man, I asked, how do you exercise a person you? He said I could get right, the old lady have to practice together, a pile of a pile in the streets of exercise. The biggest advantage is that many of the old lady from a young age like to laugh, to the old, still laughing. Every time I have taken note of lectures, laugh all female compatriots, fellow men, or not to laugh. 6 years are half bad, when are you laughing? So now everyone is quick laugh. Today to the people you can live several more years a few laughs. How to say some people do not laugh. The higher the level the more not to laugh, what can I do? Not only did not laugh, there is a logic: \Normal is salty tears, tears of diabetes is sweet, bitter tears of grief, there are peptides, hormones. Long time no \Is not the tumor will have ulcer disease, chronic colitis. So, if you sad, tears must be \

international conference has given us a warning, let us drink green tea, soy, sleep well, regular exercise, do not forget to always laugh. Hope that everyone should pay attention to a balanced diet, aerobic exercise, and attention to your mental state, when the cry cry, laugh when the laugh. I believe we can over the 73 years past the 84-year-old,belstaff brad jacket, 90,100-year-old will be alive

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