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09-17-2011, 01:33 PM
Rebellion Chapter 1
Chapter 1Part 1It's a bright day in the weeks when the winter snow melts away and new blades of grass spring up from the unfreezing ground. The forest lies still and goes through the day in silence, with the exception of some of the first chirping birds of spring and the chatter of squirrels high in the treetops. The sounds of animals awakening from a lengthy hibernation blend in to the calm spring morning. They crawl out of their din and see the sun's bright sunbeams, gleaming brilliantly down on them for the first time since the autumn season. Birds silently whistle by in the air, and all is well in this lovely forest.The rotting leaves are pushed away by flowers that are budding, showing off their radiant colors to the world. By noon the forest is more alive and creatures reveal themselves around every corner. Does and their fawns gracefully, silently, dash through the woods. Rabbits hop in and out of their holes, teasing any predators that pass by, such as a lone wolf maybe.The swap- lake's glistening water stirs and ripples when frogs and toads hop in and out of the water. Dragonflies nick the water's surface and then buzz around, landing on the top of the cattails. The grand forest is a safe house for nature, and is a scene of serenity, but as night falls and the owls come out of hiding, predators lurk in the shadows. The bright flowers close their petals for the night. The moon is high in the sky and is now the main object reflected off the swamp-lake.Animals are back in their dens and hollow trees, or resting high in a nest. Wolves and bears prowl the forest floors, searching for any signs of possible prey, but even they too scatter in the hiding at the thundering clap sound a pistil makes not far off.In the distance, perhaps a mile or so away, Zebulon Master Capprie, stands, shocked, his expression full of agony at the bounty hunter's kill. His brother of ten years, Daxtro Gale Capprie, has fallen limp in the grip of the hunter. Zebulon's hands are entangled in his messy dirty blond hair, grasping his scalp in utter distress, and disbelief. He is distraught. All he can do is stare, at the pistil in the hunter's hand, his brother's frozen expression, and his brother's brains, and blood splatted across the new flower buds.Zebulon gulps and glances up, shakily at the bounty hunter. The man with the pistil only chuckles and drops Daxtro to the ground. He kicks the mangled body with his mud and blood splattered boot so Dax stares up to the stars. As it seems, hours pass between the time the gun is fired and the time Zebulon grasps that his brother, the only reason he was still in the rebellion, the only reason he wanted to live through the war, was gone forever, just a life lost like the hundreds, possibly thousands of others who would join him.Zeb stutters ad tries to speak. He wants to speak to his brother one last time, but grasps the concept that he won't hear him too late. The last thing he had said to him was, 'What you little pest?' He had snapped. He had run ahead of his brother, leaving him in the dust. He had, had not known one hint that a bounty hunter was on their trail. He returned in a hurry upon hearing his brother's cries for help.'Zebulon! Zeb! Help me! He's got a gun! Please!' He had sobbed. He had shifted into his fastest form, a cheetah, to reach him in time, but just as he arrived, the hunter had the pistil pressed up hard to his brother's temple.He had lurched forward, a stupid, impulsive move on his part, in attempt to knock the gun out of the man's hand, but instead the click of the trigger and the BAM of the gun stopped him cold in his tracks. He returned to his human form, now weaker, but it was the only way he could completely process all of what happened.Only animal instinct kept Zebulon alive now, while the man aimed his gun at him. The first shot fired and whizzed past Zeb's side, just clipping his shirttail. Forgetting his grief for a split second, Zeb growled in a rage and leaped into a defensive stance. The hunter cocked the gun and put his dirty, fat finger on the trigger. He glared at Zebulon in his low crouch through black, beady eyes and then smirked under his "mustache".It would have been the end of Zebulon if not for two reasons. Reason number one, being, that the hunter's instructions had specifically noted to not kill Zeb, just to harm him and bring him back to captivity. The second reason? A long slender arrow, jabbed and knocked, with every ounce of force shot with it, the gun sideways, and clipping the man's skin between his thumb and pointer finger, making him loose his grip.It was Jet Black Knight. Like, Zebulon and Daxtro, he too was a shape-shifter, one who can shift up to a variety of animals depending on personality, and the capacity of the brain. Jet lowered his bow, chestnut eyes gleaming, pale white skin shining in the moonlight, while the bounty hunter scrambled, in a bent position, to grasp the gun that kept slipping out of his hands due to the blood leaking from his minor cut.Jet took in the scene, distraught Zebulon, grave Daxtro, and the frantic bounty hunter. He crouched down and then leaped as high as he could, grabbing onto a low branch and then tumbling down the hill, crushing any new grass. He stands up, dead leaves, stuck to his leather armor. Zeb pants wildly and he watches, barely in terror, completely frozen, most of his attention directed at his dead brother.In the meantime the bounty hunter raised his shaky hand, trying to keep a tight grip on the handle of the slippery, blood-splattered gun, a nice touch for a killer. He aims and fires it accurately, but Jet's reflexes are too quick for this, and he side steps. Unfortunately, the bullet pierces his arm muscle tissue and he cries out, wincing. This seems to wake Zebulon up. He jumps at the sound of his friend's wail and looks rapidly between the hunter and Jet.Zebulon jerks back into action and slips away from the man's peripheral vision. Before the man can turn to face his shifting opponent, and sleek arrow is shot right at his greasy, dirty face. The arrow gruesomely penetrated his skull through his eyeball. The arrow plunged deeper into his head, still with a great amount of force and punctured his brain, making him fail at his task.Zebulon stood, frozen again, having seen a second death tonight. The man struggled to find the arrow shaft, but by the time his hand fluttered up to the arrow, he was on his knees, screaming. Zeb and Jet each watched the bounty hunter go down through a different perspective. Within minutes, the terrible shouts of agony died down and the man rolled on the ground, his heart no longer beating.Zeb looked to his friend; the one clutching his arm/shoulder area where the bullet had gone through. He ran up to the only pal he had, had in ages and examined his arm."Jet?" He asked, curiously, trying to get his attention. Zebulon was five years older than his younger sibling, Dax. He was 15 years of age, but he acted most of the time as the younger brother. Jet grunted, his face scrunched up in a wince from the pain spiking up his shoulder. Zebulon fidgeted for a moment and then tried to direct Jet in the direction of camp. He glanced back to his dead brother, and though he wanted nothing more than to say his good-byes to the body he kept moving so he wouldn't have to say good-bye to another one.The bullet had gone directly through Jet's arm and was still lodged in his muscle. It wouldn't have been too bad, but the bullet just happened to hit a major vein and sliced through. Jet's whole left side was becoming soaked with blood. Zebulon had to hurry, and he did. He didn't want to keep Jet at a fast pace however, because the faster his blood pressure was, the more he bled. So they kept a walking pace, but they came upon their camp within the next ten minutes.Now, at this point, any old human would have died without proper care from the blood loss Jet had experienced. However, Jet is a shifter, and being a shifter has many advantages on a human. It meant having special abilities, like some extra strength or a longer endurance rate. Shifters are also known for their speed, which on its own is only a mere product of the strength and the endurance. Therefore, without a shifter's strength, or without longer endurance, a shifter looses the illusion of amazing speed.Jet having extra strength and endurance, as any shifter would, can endure more blood loss for a longer period of time than say, that bounty hunter a couple of paragraphs back. Jet held onto consciousness tightly until they came into the camp.Now, it was times like these that made Zebulon extremely thankful for Mila Hart Rowe, and Mackenzie Rose Rowe, the shifter camp nerds, and doctors. Upon reaching the camp, Zebulon called out their names."Zeb! What is it? Where were you? Jet- Jet! What happened to Jet?" The younger sister, Mila, demanded. She looked at Zeb, into his sad, tired eyes. When she saw that he was too shaken up too answer, she sighed in exasperation and got underneath Jet's good arm. She helped up the bleeding shifter to the most decent tent on the campgrounds. When she entered through the flap, she almost slung Jet into the small gurney-like bed they had for injured shifters.Mackenzie, known as Macks, pronounced Max, was nearly bubbling over with questions. Mila would get answers later. Zebulon stumbled into the tent and watched, eyes watery, at Mila and Macks working on Jet's arm. They had tied a piece of fabric tightly above the bullet wound, and while Macks was using tweezers to search for the bullet, Mila was applying pressure and trying to keep as much blood in as possible.Despite his condition, Jet remained in silent, occasionally wincing or letting a whimper escape his lips, but for the most part he kept his teeth gritted and eyes shit tight."Got it!" Macks called out, holding the bullet, clutched in the tweezers, up in the air. "Mila! I need bandages and Zeb�� go get some water and purify it with those tablets! Pronto!"Zeb grabbed a bucket off the small stack of containers they had in the medic tent, and hurried to the stream. It was a mere quick jog, but what extended his time was that he saw another boy, about fifteen looking, out in the woods. He seemed lost, but he had to help his friend with the bullet wound. He brought no attention to himself from the lonely wanderer and anyway it could be a trap. On his hasty retreat back to camp, his mind was not on the water, sloshing out of the now heavy bucket, but on the kid in the woods. He was unfamiliar and on the other side of the stream.After reaching the medic tent, Macks growled at him for taking so long. Zebulon's only excuse was, "The bucket was heavy." This was not a very plausible excuse but Macks shrugged it off and purified the water, before cleaning Jet's wound.She hummed softly, in hopes of calming Jet, and neatly wrapped a clean, white bandage around his upper arm, over the wound."Now, Jet, just lay still for a while ok? You're not going to be very comfortable for the next couple of days; your arm will be sore, so just rest. If you need anything that Mila and I can get for you just tell us. At least one of us is always in here so you should have no trouble catching our attention," Macks smiles, hopefully, trying to cheer Jet up. Then she turned to face Zebulon. "You! Out. Now," She points to the door.Zeb nods, but he makes no movement towards the door. Mila stood and walked from the other side of Jet to Zeb, directing him out the door, but even once they had left the tent Mila still kept her dainty, skinny hands on Zebulon's shoulders. She pushed him to the fire pit and sat him down on a weathered log."What's up, Zebidiah? What's wrong?" She asked. Zebulon looked up at her, holding back tears. He shook his head and then looked down at his worn out sneakers. She lifted his chin. "Where's Dax?" She questioned. Then she stopped. "They took him didn't they?" She continued. Mila sat next to Jet and looked at him through understanding eyes."It's ok Zeb.""No- they didn't- It's my fault! I didn't get there quick enough!" He tried to snap, but it comes out more lethargic than he had planned."It's not you're fault, Zeb! It's ok, we'll find away to get him back," She tries to be reassuring, though she doesn't know what truly happened."No it is my fault! And we'll never get him back!" He snaps, more aggressively this time."Don't say that! I know it seems tha-" She is cut off."NO! Don't you get it? He's dead and gone! A bounty hunter shot him!" He said, voice cracking and some tears starting to break free. Mila stared at him, shocked, mouth agape. It takes her longer than a minute to reply."Oh. Zeb, I'm so sorry. That's terrible!" She said, genuinely upset for him. She looks down. "Zeb, I'm sorry I didn't listen, I just made it worse. I-" Her voice also cracks. "Sorry," Mila mumbles looking down at her shoes. "Maybe talking about it��" She trails."Why would I want to talk about it?" Zeb moans, wiping his face with his jacket sleeve. He pushes himself up and goes to the small tent, Jet, Daxtro, and him used to share. This makes the undying sorrow even worse than before. Seeing his brother's few, scattered belongings and being alone in a tent that's usually full.What happens next in the privacy of his tent is he grabs two armfuls of his brother's things and smothers them to himself, and lets his tears stream down his dirt-covered face.Chapter 1Part 2Camille Paris Evergreen lay awake on her mat, over the covering of her unzipped sleeping bag. She had heard the news of Zebulon's brother but had not yet had the chance to talk to him. Dawn was breaking now, and Zebulon had either been awake all night, or had dreams of his lost brother. She only knew this, because her tent sits next to Zeb, Dax, and Jet's tent and she had heard him whimper and cry out throughout the rest of the night.Camille had struggled a bit with her siblings as well. He hadn't died, unfortunately. Lucas Henry Evergreen, her brother, nineteen years of age, had captured her after her crafty escape and turned her in to a group of scientists, led by Ross Payne. Emma Quinn Monty and Holly Angel Wood, her tent-mates were away on a recruit trip, so she got the tent to herself. She had planned on sleeping around the tent for two peaceful nights before heading out again to find some lost shifters but she figured with the unfortunate event that just occurred, she wouldn't get any sleep.If anything though, she felt not sorry for herself, not getting her peace, but in pain for Zebulon, who she knew was going through a lot. She sleeplessly dragged herself under the tent flap and out into the sunlight. Camille used her fine muscle toned arms to give her a jump up, balancing herself up, as she stood at her full height.She started on her way to the medic tent but stopped. Someone waving to her, through her peripheral vision, caught her eye. He was very close by; close enough for her to observe every little detail that might set off her attack. She jumped into a defensive stance, body facing the figure, but then straightened up. It was a boy. He seemed about her age and he was a shifter.She could tell from the words branded into his side that peaked through his ripped up shirt, yet another sign. The letters almost carved into a scar on his side read, "D-E-A". She knows what those meant very well. After a family was finished with their "pet" shifter, they either sent him or her to a lab, a fighting zone, or a circus. If they were deemed useless, or posed a threat there, the letters D-E-A were first carved and then burned into their side. From there they were sent to a shifting pound. If no one withdrew his or her sentence within the week, that shifter was put to death.Camille watched him with caution. She started to approach, but the guy flinched. "I'm not going to harm you," she crooned softly. A minute had passed before Camille shuffled her foot forward an inch. The boy's eyes darted to her foot. She sighed and stood up straight, letting her shoulders relax a bit. "Really, I'm not going to hurt you," she almost laughed good-heartedly. "Please let me help you." She extended an arm out to the boy and he crept up. Every step, he took at least 30 seconds to maintain his cautious attitude, and he kept very alert. As the teen came closer Camille noticed all his features.His face had dirt smeared all over it, and dried blood smudged his shirt. His hair was unclean and matted in strands. The teen's clothing was worn and torn; his jeans were hardly there, and were really just loose fabric, that had been ripped from its former, tightly woven position.He edged ever closer and after a good ten minutes he stood in front of Camille. His arms, which had been crossed in front of his chest, his skinny fingers, intertwined, dropped to his side. For a boy who looked about Camille's age, 15 or 16, he was very timid. Camille couldn't blame him though. She knew all too well what he had been through.The girl shifter scrutinized the boy and while her eyes searched him for any weapons, they caught sight of a large gash in the side of his arm. "You're hurt," she says, pointing. He is clearly uncomfortable with her arm-length away distance so he takes a step back."You're a shape-shifter." Camille smiled a little bit to try and show him that he was safe here. It was a pitiful smile though because since this whole shifting thing started she had been practicing her frown. The boy flinched when she uttered the words shape-shifter, and he seemed utterly shocked by the next thing out of her mouth."It's ok, I am too. I- eh-hm. I am Camille. I lead the camp�� the one behind me. We're run-away shifters. You're welcome to stay, but on several conditions," The boy raised an eyebrow and tilted his head."You have to swear not to turn us in. You have to tell me your name, and you have to let us help you," she spoke, her voice gentle and welcoming. "Can you talk?" She asked, trying not to be nosey."Yeah, I can talk," he grumbles softly. "My name��" Camille watches him expectantly when he pauses. "Uh�� It's Travie," he mutters softly."Well hey there Travie. Welcome to our camp," Camille grinned.
09-17-2011, 01:54 PM
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09-17-2011, 03:59 PM
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Reprinted from 772792135 at 10:31 on August 13, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: world Zatan
1, crab: it tastes delicious, but the nature of cold, there is stasis of power, it is bad for pregnant women, especially the crab claw, with a clear role in abortion.
2, turtle: Although it has a yin Yishen effect, but the salty taste of cold soft-shelled turtle, with a strong pass the blood network, the role of stasis block, which has some of the disadvantages of abortion, particularly abortion turtle power of more than turtle meat.
3, barley: a Medicinal and Edible items, Chinese medicine, the quality of its profits slip. Pharmacological experiments show that APF has excitatory effects on the uterine smooth muscle, may promote uterine contraction, which may have induced abortion.
4, purslane: It is both a cooking herb can be eaten cold and slippery its medicinal benefits. Experiments show that purslane juice obvious excitement for the role of the uterus, enabling increased frequency of uterine contractions, the intensity increases, 多情总被无情恼, could easily lead to abortion.
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6, spinach
it was believed that Spinach is rich in iron, with the blood function, it is as Vegetable prevent anemia during pregnancy. In fact, not much iron in spinach, but contains large amounts of oxalic acid. Oxalic acid can affect the zinc, calcium absorption. Pregnant women calcium, coach outlet, zinc content decreased, affecting fetal growth and development.
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8, liver
pregnant women in Finland and the United States has put forward the advice should eat less pork liver.
rapidly fattening because to the modern livestock feed in too much fattening agent was added, in which high levels of vitamin A, resulting in a large number of its accumulation in the liver. Pregnant women eat liver had a large number of vitamin A would be very easy to enter the body, harmful to fetal development and even teratogenic.
9, go far in the potatoes, potatoes contain alkaloids
, kept the longer the higher the alkaloid content of potatoes. Excessive consumption of such potatoes, can affect the normal development of the fetus, causing fetal abnormalities. Of course, the people's individual differences, not everyone will be abnormal after eating, but pregnant women still do not eat as well, especially not to eat the long-term storage of potatoes.
10, pregnant women hot seasoning
eat hot condiments? fennel, star anise, pepper, 丢了的自己,要记得捡回来…… - Qzone日志, pepper, cinnamon, allspice and other intestinal easy to consume water, reduce the secretion of the gastrointestinal, resulting in intestinal dryness, constipation. After the occurrence of constipation, pregnant women will inevitably spurts of solutions, so that increased abdominal pressure, oppression of the fetus in utero, fetal movement could easily lead to anxiety, premature birth and other adverse consequences.
11, MSG, MSG
main ingredient is sodium glutamate, zinc and their combination in the blood after discharge from the urine, excessive intake of MSG will consume a large amount of zinc, lead zinc deficiency in pregnant women. While zinc was the necessity for fetal growth and development, so pregnant women should eat less.
12, longan, litchi : prone to cause fetal ###### hot hot;
13 Pomegranate: anemia to eat;
14, pickled cabbage: contain nitrosamines, can lead to fetal aberrations.
15, Watermelon: fruit a day not more than 250g, limited eating watermelon, watermelon is a diuretic as likely to cause maternal dehydration.
16, drinking tea, a British physician
Tea contains fluoride that a lot of ingredients, a cup of tea in the fluoride content of up to 1.25 mg. If used to feeding pregnant rats, found that mice born with skeletal deformities areas, fluoride harm to the fetus has yet to be sure, but still do not drink tea as well. Drinking tea during pregnancy, not only susceptible to iron deficiency anemia, affect fetal nutrient supply, because tea contains caffeine, pregnant women will also increase heart rate and frequency of urination, increased burden of heart and kidneys of pregnant women, 爱是什么 - Qzone日志, harm the mother and health of the fetus.
17, drinking coffee and cola drinks
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18, drinking
research shows that pregnant women drink is caused by birth defects and mental retardation of the important reasons.
This is because any trace of alcohol can be no barrier to the fetus through the placenta and into the body, making the concentration of fetal and maternal alcohol as the alcohol concentration . France, MD, had had alcohol addiction 127 children born to women who were observed and found that they had a total defects: single fold, even if not obvious double eyelids, nose flat, inner corner of the eye lids turned outward, flat face and narrow, nasal groove fuzzy, thin and tight upper lip, chin short. The influence of alcohol poisoning, and facial growth of children does not sound children born to mothers who drink about 1 / 3. Even more serious is alcohol on the brain and heart damage, heart disease in infants of pregnant women drinking alcohol, about 30%. Pregnant women drinking too much, died shortly after giving birth to a child's common. The results showed that the anatomy of dead babies, whose brain is not only smaller than normal children, coach handbags, and the brain showed a hypoplastic or abnormal state. Many countries had fetal alcohol poisoning of children by intelligence tests and found that their IQ is below the general level, most of the performance of slow, mental retardation, or an idiot.
dear friends who have children should pay attention to the Oh! ! !
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09-17-2011, 03:59 PM
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Reprinted from 110481651 at 08:30 on August 25, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Common sense
And in the recent news that the recent solar storms will hit the Earth, the scientists said, the strong solar storms could lead to large-scale blackouts.
in the movie
the strongest heat wave in South Asia 200 years as high as 32 degrees Himalayas
frequently over the past week the temperature broke the table all over India, New Delhi set at four XVI. Three temperature records, to the Forty-eight Western 古加拉特邦 heat. Fifth, coach sneakers, the Madhya Pradesh's Morena district to the Forty-nine more heat. Second. Even India has always been a summer resort in the northern part of the Simla Himalayas known attractions, could not escape this wave of heat waves, the local temperatures of up to thirty. Four degrees, higher than the average temperature of eight degrees in the same quarter. Although the tropical cyclone
Despite the lack of national integration
statistics, but according to local media reports, 风险 - Qzone日志, this wave of heat wave has killed hundreds of people, there are a hundred people have been hot 古加拉特邦 death, also reported Maharashtra At least ninety people were killed and three north-western Rajasthan region fifteen killed and thirty northeast Bi Habang four deaths. Officials acknowledged that these figures are only tip of the iceberg, because most victims are in remote rural areas.
Indian Meteorological Department said the main cause of this wave of heat waves, atmospheric water vapor, and the fact winds from the Thar desert southwest of the sultry heat of dry air, and by last year's El Nino effects. Mean temperature in March and April this year, both in India hit a new high of years.
in New Delhi, coach wallet, bear high temperature and poison the people and not have to give up air-conditioned bus and take a taxi, the influx of new air-conditioned MRT. Heat waves, droughts have also made the original problem worse, but it is supposed to freight trains carrying fuel to the temporary water supply, letting fuel shortages in parts of the dilemma. Animals also suffer heat wave this wave, as part of a dried up lakes and catchment areas, resulting in Uttar Pradesh, a forest conservation area died suddenly dozens of peacocks.
turn on the TV watching the news today, almost earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, riots, adverse weather, and so all the bad news is full of our eyes, but also increased uncertainty about the future forecast. Recent Earth into active, world-wide can be said to come and go. At present, China has caused thousands of Qinghai earthquake killed more than a dozen people homeless. The same time we are subjected to high temperatures neighboring Indian attacks, according to statistics, 80 people were killed. Attention to the other side of the planet, global warming, coach outlet online, the spread of volcanic ash volcanic eruption in Iceland across Europe to the suffering people of Europe have yet to alleviate the news today, when the volcanic ash will arrive in China next week. Looking at the world series of deadly day by day the news came out, many people suspect that this is a sign before 2012.
movie American Brian. Damo Tuo in the
predicted a
Mayan prophecy: December 21, 2012, the world's destruction!
Mayan calendar shows only five sun, the earth's life time of discipline, also happens to represent the five human catastrophe: the first Sun Ji - the flood disaster, the world has suffered major floods wiped out; the second Sun Ji - Wind Serpent catastrophe, the world's buildings destroyed by wind blowing snake; third Sun Ji - Rain of Fire disaster, fire, earth, heaven is facing the scourge of rain; the fourth century the sun - earthquake disaster, the Earth has been intense extinction of the earthquake; fifth Sun Ji - end of the world, the sun will disappear, the earth shook violently, disaster everywhere ... ... When the fifth century the advent of the sun, the earth will be completely destroyed, coach handbags, according to the Mayan calendar for the 3113 year will be converted to the Gregorian calendar is December 21, 2012.
predicted two
China on the predicted one of the most well-known Masterpieces years);
predicted three
scientific prediction, in 2012, the Earth and the Sun's magnetic poles will also be reversed, causing the earth crisis. When the Earth and the Sun's magnetic field in the conversion will result in loss of power failure and to identify the direction of migratory birds, humans and all animals will be significantly weakened immune systems, but also bring more frequent changes in the crust because of intense volcanic, tectonic movements and earthquakes. In addition to the ground, coach shoes, the asteroid may also be more accessible to the Earth's gravity will change. This alleged incident occurred last few million years ago at the age of the dinosaur extinction.
predicted four
in astrology, 如果你觉的累进来看看~ - Qzone日志, and there will be a Grand Cross in 2012, civil clash, red sun, moon phase, 方才开明了空间,但愿各人常来转转 ) - Qzone日记, which represents blood and death.
predicted five
shown in the UK crop circles and the planetary positions of nine December 21, 2012 (winter solstice) planets in our universe location map exactly. In other words, the crop circle message is prompted to specify a specific time, that is December 21, 2012.
predicted six
Cangseng made it clear that, from 2010 to 2012, coach sunglasses, the world will get polarized and prepare for the end of 2012, global nuclear war will break out, God will still anonymous intervention.
predicted seven
who survived the western region.
predicted eight
predicted nine
operation with the axis of the Earth's magnetic field so-called presence, but the magnetic field but in the past 10 years continue to decrease, a phenomenon called . In the past many centuries, In terms of mathematical calculations up to 2012
these predicted 2012 would be the fear of people pushed to the cusp.
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