show fit to make an audience hold
its breath. You can't possibly guess how unreal all this seemed,
and how artificial I felt myself. An opera,
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"I know. I was a gold digger at one time. Some of us used to come
down to Melbourne with our pockets full of money. I daresay it
was poor enough to what you must have seen, but once I went to a
show like that. It was a story acted to music. All the people
went singing through it right to the very end."
"How it must have jarred on your sense of reality,
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"No. I never troubled my head about it. We --our lot never did."
"I won't ask you what the story was like. It must have appeared
to you like the very defiance of all truth. Would real people go
singing through their life anywhere except in a fairy tale?"
"These people didn't always sing for joy," said Lingard, simply.
"I don't know much about fairy tales."
"They are mostly about princesses," murmured Mrs. Travers.
Lingard didn't quite hear. He bent his ear for a moment but she
wasn't looking at him and he didn't ask her to repeat her remark.
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