Knowledge Focus: Virtual memory computer method of solving the same time over the document or open too many programs running, there is no enough memory to run other programs. At this time, for multi-document interface program, such as Word, Excel, etc., close all documents outside the current document, and quit ..
currently unused virtual memory computer method for solving the same time to open the document too
or run the program too much, not enough memory to run other programs. At this time, for multi-document interface program, such as Word, Excel, etc., close all documents outside the current document, and exit the program currently unused, perhaps you will be able to continue because of .
second measure: Clear the contents of the clipboard
1. Clear the contents of the clipboard (storage Windows clipboard to copy or cut and paste content) Click the dialog box, click 2. Clear the contents of multiple clipboard (Office programs provide clipboard) In the When empty the
third measure: a reasonable set of virtual memory
If you do not set the Windows virtual memory, then it is easy to receive an Click the In the Select
fourth trick: increase the available disk space There are four ways to increase the use of disk space: 1. Empty the Recycle Bin. 2. Delete temporary files. Open the% 20 select the unwanted files to be deleted before the check box to collate. 3. From the disk to remove expired files or archived files. 4. Delete all the files has never been used.
Fifth strokes: to reinstall the program corrupted if only using a program, the system prompts memory, and other programs to function properly, then the likely cause is that the program file destroyed, resulting in memory problems. Try removing and reinstalling the program and then re-run the program. If the system is no longer prompted to memory, then that is indeed the original program files are damaged.
sixth trick: Use the memory optimization software
a lot of memory optimization software, such as RAM% 20Idle and Memo% 20Kit relatively well. They can be set automatically empty the clipboard, close the program does not release free memory, thus eliminating the trouble of your manual, to automatically release the memory, the purpose of a try.
seventh move: Restart your computer If only exit the program does not restart the computer,
oil painting reproductions, the program may not be able to return to the system memory resources. Before running an important program, restart your computer to fully release the system resources.
eighth trick: to reduce the program to run automatically at startup if programs that run automatically when Windows too much, then even if you restart the computer, did not have enough memory to run other programs. At this time the system need to clear some unnecessary programs from starting.
Click the Click the Remove the% 20 Open the
ninth trick: killing virus computer virus infections result in memory is the culprit. When the system