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Old 08-26-2011, 04:40 AM   #1
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In the beginning there had been little triumphs, as when she let Amdijefri play alone with the commset without even the children guessing she was responsible. But such were many tendays past, and now.... Some days she would be entirely in control of herself. Others -- and these often seemed the happiest -- would begin with her seeming in control. It was not yet clear the sort of day today would be. Tyrathect paced along the hoardings that topped the new castle's walls. The place was certainly new,复件 (69) air max2, but hardly yet a castle. Steel had built in panicky haste. The south and west walls were very thick,复件 (68) air max1, with embedded tunnels. But there were spots on the north side that were simply palisades backed by stony rubble. Nothing more could be done in the time that Steel had been given. She stopped for a moment, smelling fresh-sawn timber. The view down Starship Hill was as beautiful as she had ever seen it. The days were getting longer. Now there was only twilight between the setting and the rising of the sun. The local snow had retreated to its summer patches, leaving heather to turn green in the warmth. From here she could see miles, to where bluish sea haze clamped down on the offshore islands. By the conventional wisdom, it would be suicide to attack the new castle -- even in its present ramshackle state -- with less than a horde. Tyrathect smiled bitterly to herself. Of course,复件 (2) air max, Woodcarver would ignore that wisdom. Old Woodcarver thought she had a secret weapon that would breach these walls from hundreds of feet away. Even now Steel's spies were reporting that the Woodcarvers had taken the bait,mbt panda sandals,复件 (82) air max1, that their small army and their crude cannon had begun the overland trek up the coast. She descended the wall stairs to the yard. She heard faint thunder. Somewhere north of Streamsdell, Steel's own cannoneers were beginning their morning practice. When the air was just right, you could hear it. There was to be no testing near the farmlands, and none but high Servants and isolated workers knew of the weapons. But by now Steel had thirty of the devices and gunpowder to match. The greatest lack was gunners. Up close the noise of firing was hellish. Sustained firing could deafen. Ah, but the weapons themselves: They had a range of almost eight miles, three times as great as Woodcarver's. They could deliver gunpowder "bombs" that exploded on impact. There were places beyond the northern hills where the forest was gouged bare and slumping landslides showed ########## rock -- all from sustained barrages of gunfire. And soon -- perhaps today -- the Flenserists would have radio, too. God damn you, Woodcarver! Of course Tyrathect had never met the Woodcarver, but Flenser had known that pack well: Flenser was mostly Woodcarver's offspring. The "Gentle Woodcarver" had borne him and raised him to power. It had been Woodcarver who taught him about freedom of thought and experiment. Woodcarver should have known the pride that lived in Flenser, should have known that he would go to extremes his parent never dared. And when the new one's monstrous nature became clear, when his first "experiments" were discovered, Woodcarver should have had him killed -- or at the very least, fragmented. Instead, Flenser had been allowed to take exile ... to create things like Steel, and they to create their own monsters,复件 (36) air max1, ultimately to build this hierarchy of madness. And now, a century overdue, Woodcarver was coming to correct her mistake. She came with her toy guns, as overconfident and idealistic as ever. She came into a trap of steel and fire that none of her people would survive.
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